I can flush my toilet and take a shower without flooding the basement!
Verdict: roots. Far enough out that it's technically in the city's easement, but since I don't have an exterior cleanout, I can't get them to do squat. He shoved the crap way down the main line.
So I should be good for another couple years? Maybe? He said other than that, line felt pretty clear.
I need a new washing machine. In the last six months, however, I've bought a new refrigerator, car battery, car alternator, and belts. I said to myself "I generate enough laundry to do it once a week. Oh, look, a Laundromat two blocks away next to convenience stores and sandwich shops."
So I guess once a week I take myself out to a long lunch. My housemate can use the washing machine until it dies, then he can go to the Laundromat. (interesting, Laundromat gets automatically capitalized)
I can flush my toilet and take a shower without flooding the basement!
I've needed to clean the bathroom for at least a week. I've made a deal with myself that I will clean the bathroom tonight because cleaning magically makes the Blackhawks score.
A person on one of the teams I may be joining actually clapped her hands at the prospect of me coming on board, so I guess that is a good sign.
Nice omen!
You know how at a campground or traveling, you are always acutely aware of the state of your bladder and the next facility? It SUCKS living like that in your own home. Granted, I have it pretty easy, just next door, but holdingitholdingitwhichkeyisitagainholdingitscrewshuttingthedoor....
I want to bleach down the basement floor now. Guy cleaned up well, but...I'll feel better.
Verdict: roots. Far enough out that it's technically in the city's easement, but since I don't have an exterior cleanout, I can't get them to do squat. He shoved the crap way down the main line.
I have the same problem, except I think not in the city's easement. We just had them cleared out this year, but I'm trying to keep this in my memory for the next time it starts flooding, several years in the future, since there was a little overflow for a long time before we ("we"= my mother) did anything about it, and I'd like to be a little more proactive in the future.
You know how at a campground or traveling, you are always acutely aware of the state of your bladder and the next facility?
And how. I'm on a diuretic for high blood pressure, so I even go to the bathroom before getting on public transportation because who knows when the next opportunity will be if I get stuck in traffic or trapped on the subway?!
Ah, middle aged female bladder, with the constant niggling urge.
I'll counter with the middle aged male bladder, which goes from not needing to go at all to MUST PEE NOW! with no transition time.
Yeah, but men can stand aimlessly along the side of the road, staring off at the horizon, then continue to mosey on their way.
Though that's probably not as easy to do in urban areas.
(edit: I have long been bitter about the greater number of options men have for relief in the wild)