You know how at a campground or traveling, you are always acutely aware of the state of your bladder and the next facility?
And how. I'm on a diuretic for high blood pressure, so I even go to the bathroom before getting on public transportation because who knows when the next opportunity will be if I get stuck in traffic or trapped on the subway?!
Ah, middle aged female bladder, with the constant niggling urge.
I'll counter with the middle aged male bladder, which goes from not needing to go at all to MUST PEE NOW! with no transition time.
Yeah, but men can stand aimlessly along the side of the road, staring off at the horizon, then continue to mosey on their way.
Though that's probably not as easy to do in urban areas.
(edit: I have long been bitter about the greater number of options men have for relief in the wild)
Women used to be able to relieve themselves in the wild, too, when they wore layers of floor-length skirts and no underwear. Oh yes.
Timelies all!
Too many books to read, too much stuff on the DVR. Yet all I want to do is sit at the computer...
Women used to be able to relieve themselves in the wild, too, when they wore layers of floor-length skirts and no underwear. Oh yes.
This was the reason my great great grandmother gave for never wearing shorter skirts or underwear. She cherished her ability to squat in a field.
I don't know what I'm going to feed myself for dinner. Nothing I have to hand sounds appealing, but neither does going to the store. Hm.
I figured out how to make passable pho ga, so that is what I am making for dinner tonight.
I might be able to put together some kind of peanutty noodle thing? Worth a try.
I made cucumber sandwiches. We've reached the hot and humid stage in NC, and cucumber sandwiches are perfect.