Long walks help! Or walking long enough to find a place to huddle by yourself for a while. :-)
Sox, I know a great hypnotist who works with fears and phobias -- even if he doesn't 'cure' you, he will help you get into a calm Zen zone. He is in Houston, but he will work over Skype.
Dan Perez Tell him Connie Hirsch sent you.
Sox, I sympathize, so much. I get terrible anxiety around needles. But you will adjust! Soon you'll be all, Needles, meh, whatever, bring me a cookie.
Steph, it's hard out here for an introvert. But they're all book people too, right? They'll understand!
Sox, I sympathize, so much. I get terrible anxiety around needles.
I just had a dental thing done that I was terribly anxious about, and I brought a worry stone to have in my hand as the unpleasantness was going on in my mouth. It was so, so helpful. Not a special stone, per se, just one I found that had a comfortable shape and texture. Just having something else to be able to physically focus on allowed me to relax. A bit.
Thanks you guys. I have Valium and I've been doing accupunture to try and get better at this. It helps. But still, this helps more. Yes, I am posting stoned.
Acupuncture doesn't squick you also? Or is it a "I'll do acupuncture as exposure therapy because it's not as bad"?
In any case, woohoo, Sox is stoned!
The radio in my head seems to be stuck on Soft Rock Hits of the 70s today.
Just thought I'd share.
It's so bad, I was begging the docs to not give me any more shots before the emergency c-section.
I know this so well. I had the kids natural because the idea of one more needle was out of the question. The gestational diabetes meant having to get stuck every single week both pregnancies.
All I can suggest is hydrate well the day before the draws. And stoned is cool! I love acupuncture. I was concerned at first, but so not at all like real needles.
You can do this!
Did it! Then vagaled out in the parking lot. As one does. Ps still pretty darn loopy. Tune in in 3 or 6 months for more fun. The tech knows me now and asked me to name a character after her. I made her write her name down.
Man that one hurt too.
Oh, good grief. Local news website reports that someone stole a cell phone from a woman's bag at a grocery store. They've got security footage of the guy. First two comments: "That's why I carry." and "Keep busing them in from the city." I don't even understand the second one, completely -- I would have thought it was a racist thing, but the guy in the pictures is white.
Yes well, ever since the white man came to Pennsylvania, it's been all downhill. You didn't see people's cell phones getting stolen in 1675, I tell you what.