It's so bad, I was begging the docs to not give me any more shots before the emergency c-section.
I know this so well. I had the kids natural because the idea of one more needle was out of the question. The gestational diabetes meant having to get stuck every single week both pregnancies.
All I can suggest is hydrate well the day before the draws. And stoned is cool! I love acupuncture. I was concerned at first, but so not at all like real needles.
You can do this!
Did it! Then vagaled out in the parking lot. As one does. Ps still pretty darn loopy. Tune in in 3 or 6 months for more fun. The tech knows me now and asked me to name a character after her. I made her write her name down.
Man that one hurt too.
Oh, good grief. Local news website reports that someone stole a cell phone from a woman's bag at a grocery store. They've got security footage of the guy. First two comments: "That's why I carry." and "Keep busing them in from the city." I don't even understand the second one, completely -- I would have thought it was a racist thing, but the guy in the pictures is white.
Yes well, ever since the white man came to Pennsylvania, it's been all downhill. You didn't see people's cell phones getting stolen in 1675, I tell you what.
You didn't see people's cell phones getting stolen in 1675, I tell you what.
Because of the open-carry muskets.
I will not get involved in gun debate on local news site. I will not. That would be stupid, and pointless. (People are saying that people here are too sheltered, and that if we all went and lived in big dangerous cities for a month, we'd see how important it is that civilians carry guns. I'm very tempted to list all the dangerous places that I've lived without a gun, and never had a problem. But I will not, because it is facebook and my real name, and I do not want to attract the attention of the gun nuts. Also, I'm not going to convince anyone of anything, because the fact that I've lived in those places will probably make me an elitist liberal who doesn't know anything.)
And the "Keep on busing them in from the city" guy has posted that same comment on just about every article about local crime, and has a Confederate flag in his profile pic. Dude, might want to take a look at a map.
We have a mission statement.
Had work review thing. Did not fall into a giant hole in the ground. Was given mostly the nice kind of feedback. Decided that continued state of being employed means I deserved the good tacos for lunch.
Hooray tacos (and continuing employment with mostly nice feedback)!
I had magic soup (Tom Yum, magic because it makes me feel so much better if I eat it when I am congested) for lunch, and I have leftovers for maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight.