I have acquired gifts for my giftee also! But should I wait and send them closer to Christmas? And how do we preserve anonymity when sending presents? Just not use a return address?
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2013: That Was the Year That Was
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Out you go, 2013!
You don't have to be anonymous if you don't want to!
So far I am still making notes and compiling ideas, but I like the gifts to arrive closer to Christmas.
I've got the majority of my giftee's stuff together. I need to buy one more thing, and I may bake some cookies to send.
I've ordered stuff and had it sent to the giftee, and also not used a return address, but have mostly been more of a surprise gifter than a secret one.
Secret Santee, I will get my act together soon! PROMISE!
Me too!
You can be anonymous if you want, but not necessary.
Serendipitously, like the day after SS assignments were made I found exactly what I needed to pull together my gift. I've added a thing or two, and I feel like I want one more thing (or kind of candy, or fancy wrapping) to pull it all together.
This is unusual for me (as Scola could attest - it took me until his birthday to get the perfect gift together. In my defense, I had found something perfect and then he posted that he'd gotten it. But it was not well done of me.) I'm so excited to be (planning to) send off well before Xmas.
And if anyone needs a pinch hitter, or a contributor, or a red herring if you want to be anony - let me know. Buffista SS is a highlight of my holiday season.
Buffista SS is a highlight of my holiday season.
I can never remember how to do that.
I got a gift from an elf today!! A wee, felt camel! SO AWESOME.
I'm not participating in the SS, but I love to read along and see what everyone gets. Buffistas are the best gift givers.