New season of Knights of Sidonia on Netflix!
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
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New season of Knights of Sidonia on Netflix!
I mainlined it yesterday and then went back and watch the whole first season again to pick up clues. Not sure what to make of the giant penus with the little-girl voice.
A reminder: Gravity Falls is tonight!
And Stan’s brother Stan is voiced by J.K. Simmons! So excited!
I can't wait!
I can't wait!
I mainlined it yesterday and then went back and watch the whole first season again to pick up clues...
I decided moderation was best, and am watching it one episode at a time on lunch break. I've started with Season 1, just to have it all in context. I'll keep an eye out for your interesting observation. Not that I anticipate having any answer to it. There are a number of things it has that makes me go "huh. That's curious". The biggest is trying to figure out which charactor is which. The numbers on the uniforms helps. Now if one of htem was THX1138, that would be funny.
I really made a lot more connections going back and watching the first season after the second. there were things I missed before that make more sense and hints and foreshadowing that was there but I couldn't put it all together before.
And it takes a great deal of concentration and a score card to tell the 11 sisters apart!
Whee, Gravity Falls! That was terrific.
So much fun! I didn't even mind that we didn't get much Dipper and Mabel. Are we getting another episode next week?