Yikes, JZ! Scary.
Dana, aside from the weather, that sounds awesome.
Me, I'm operating at about 60%. No longer constantly nauseated, but there's still some vertigo when I stand or look up or turn quickly. But man, my back was killing me after basically 24 hours in bed! (Which I suspect means I need a new mattress, memory foam topper notwithstanding.)
Glad you're feeling better, Consuela. Hope you are at 100% soon.
60% sounds a lot better than yesterday, but still kind of awful, Suela. Vibing (but very gently, non-disruptively) lots of inner-ear~ma to you.
Suela, I'm glad you're feeling better and you have some idea of what's going on and how to fix it. Hoping you make a full recovery soon!
That is the challenge of parenting, I suspect. I always think of those CS&N lines, "So feed them on your dreams/The ones they pick/The ones you know by."
That reminds me of the Sweet Honey in the Rock song that goes through my head periodically: "Your children / are not your children / they are the sons and the daughters of life / longing for itself / they come through you / but they are not from you / and though they are with you / they belong not to you."
That is highly encouraging, Suela! I learned I'm a head-nodder when I went back to work with the vertigo, and could barely make it through a meeting. Sitting at my desk alone was OK, though!
Thinking about lives and expectations and families is making me surprisingly emotional right now. It's like, I feel fine with my own day-to-day, but I feel bad that I don't have a kid for my dad to play with.
It's always hard to feel like you're not living up to expectations, but like the lyrics Kate quoted say, it's not really our job as parents to expect anything from our kids. We have them, and we're supposed to raise them to be capable, self-reliant adults who can make their own choices, whatever they are.
I feel like I get both sides of this, though, and that it's always easier said than done, especially when it comes to my oldest. And no matter what, I still feel like I let down my parents.
LIFE. Is hard.
Also, ::primal scream of OMGWTF my job I hate you::
I love that song too, Kate.
Thinking about lives and expectations and families is making me surprisingly emotional right now.
me too
I am super grateful that I don't get any of that from my parents.
Also I think I may be having a mid-life crisis.
Also I think I may be having a mid-life crisis.
Oh god yes. It's not quite existential, yet.