Do you have a Lush near you?
I have a lot of suggestions for dry hair that's curly if you want me to let loose. I think you should start with putting shea butter on your hair every night and wrapping your hair in a scarf. I know that sounds ridiculous, but Target has a really good shea butter for hair (Miss Jessie's baby butter) that smells okay. If you put a generous amount on your hair, pull it back and wrap in a scarf every night, that will help keep moisture in your hair.
FWIW, I've heard from female friends with thinning hair that women can get a prescription for that whatchamacallit drug that men use for balding heads -- with rather more success, and fewer side effects. Might be worth checking out.
I cut 6 inches off my hair for GISHWHES (and more than that in one spot that I can no longer find, in order to string a bow with which to play a violin). As I was preparing to do so, I realized that I was having an emotional reaction (my hair is still a few inches past collar-bone length). Now, for me, that is an indication that it was definitely time to cut it*, but I'm weird. There is a shitton of baggage around hair (different baggage for non-black women, but still baggage). There is both the perception and, to some extent, the reality that men will find women attractive or not based on the length of their hair. It is not an accident that every anglo Disney Princess has long hair.
* In general, I let my hair grow until either I start getting massive tangles at the back of my neck or I need to cut it for a show.
My husband still complains (a little) every time I cut my hair.
I'm officially tired of being in this hotel. We have dinner reservations with family for 7:30. It will take us at least an hour to get there. What are the odds that my husband will get out of his training class at or before 6?
My husband still complains (a little) every time I cut my hair.
Hey, when did you marry my husband, you hussy!
I haven't tried putting goop in my hair and sleeping with it, but I might. Messy, is all.
Theo, do you mean Propecia? I didn't think they prescribed that for women at all ever.
I shampoo two or three times a week, and use conditioner only the rest of the time. I use sulfate-free shampoo, but that's been a recent change. I think what's drying my hair out the worst is the hair dye, though.
it isn't messy when I do it. If it is messy, you are doing it wrong. put in a generous amount, but don't oversaturate. For me, I would bet I put in 1-2 tablespoons.
Okay. I probably put in too much the time I did it, because it was an oil slick by morning! And then it all washed out and nothing was better, alas.
You also might try Lush's Retread conditioner. The smell is a trip, but my hair likes it a lot.