it has been a dream of mine to go to Hawaii, so I might ask you about where you are staying and if you like it.
Sure! I went to Kauai with Lee a couple of years ago and we stayed in a condo there, too, btw. I just spent the last few weeks staring at condo reviews, locations, amenities, and rack rates, so I feel like somebody should benefit from this. Well, other than me.
I'm hot toddying my sore throat into submission.
Yay Maui! Good luck with the child care stuff, Kate.
I keep seeing those Lumosity brain training ads. Anyone try it? I can't shake the idea that it'll be pushing subliminal messages, creating users for some villain's mind-controlled army.
I just found out that the main guy I am here in the office with most days is on vacation all next week. good googaly moogaly. I hope this does not mean that the big boss will be in every day, or that they think I know half of what that guy does, because he is like the anti-trainer. He would rather just do rather than teach.
ION - I would really like a vacation. I know I went in March and wah wah wah, but man like 3 days alone would be pretty much awesome. I wonder if anyone wants mac for Labor Day weekend?
I'll baby sit!!!
Hee, thanks, Suzi! Rose will be staying home with M this time, sadly. Also, I think if she came with me, you'd have to thumb-wrestle half a dozen grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins for the privilege. (We'll be out in Crested Butte the whole time, so unfortunately no chance to say hi to localistas, but hopefully next time!)
Jesse, how did you pickle your jalapeño peppers. I have three and a little tiny jar
Kate, if you have a neighborhood listserv of some sort, post there to see if a nanny share situation has a spot because of vacation, or some such. My local parents' list is filled with that type of thing this year because daycares close for a couple of days and people are out on vacation.
Jesse, how did you pickle your jalapeño peppers. I have three and a little tiny jar
Sliced them up and boiled I think 1 C vinegar, 1 C water, 1 T salt. I put some garlic in the jar, too, because why not. Mine are a little overly hot, so next time I might take out some of the seeds first.
Did you boil them in the mixture, or just poor the boiling mixture over?