I'll baby sit!!!
Hee, thanks, Suzi! Rose will be staying home with M this time, sadly. Also, I think if she came with me, you'd have to thumb-wrestle half a dozen grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins for the privilege. (We'll be out in Crested Butte the whole time, so unfortunately no chance to say hi to localistas, but hopefully next time!)
Jesse, how did you pickle your jalapeño peppers. I have three and a little tiny jar
Kate, if you have a neighborhood listserv of some sort, post there to see if a nanny share situation has a spot because of vacation, or some such. My local parents' list is filled with that type of thing this year because daycares close for a couple of days and people are out on vacation.
Jesse, how did you pickle your jalapeño peppers. I have three and a little tiny jar
Sliced them up and boiled I think 1 C vinegar, 1 C water, 1 T salt. I put some garlic in the jar, too, because why not. Mine are a little overly hot, so next time I might take out some of the seeds first.
Did you boil them in the mixture, or just poor the boiling mixture over?
Poured the boiling mixture over. They are crisp!
Today's evil (for values of evil that include making people clap their hands in glee when you bring them some), courtesy of Costco:
Husband's training course ended at 6. He is located in a building about two minutes' walk from the hotel. It is now 6:27. A train leaves Atlanta traveling due north at 60 mph. How long will it take before Dana gets dinner?
I keep seeing those Lumosity brain training ads. Anyone try it?
I did. I feel like it helped when my ability to focus and whatnot was particularly bad, if only by giving me something I could measure and see improvement in over time. I don't know that I would recommend it for extra-sharpening if you are not feeling unusually blunt, though. I haven't felt any desire to keep it up.
So far no calls to serve any super-villains. That I remember.
Failed to give blood today due to low iron. Rats.