Calli, hugs to you too. Boo layoffs.
Flea, that house is gorgeous!
Also, imposter syndrome Teppy! Go get em!
My ankle seems to be healing, except I'm limping all funny which is making OTHER parts hurt that weren't originally injured. Oy, body! Quit acting all middle-aged and shit!
I found the old listing of my cousin's new house (well, 1903 Arts & Crafts new old house!) It looks even better with 90% less clutter, but even so, it KILLS me [link]
All that trim. The builtins! (That's not a piece-of-furniture buffet in the dining room- it is part of the house. ) Stained glass original owner, too. New cousin-in-law has more pix on fb and gah! The bathroom has custom cabinetry too!
House is in good hands. She may have signed on as a farm wife, but her background is in architectural interior design and loves old stuff. I don't worry about her- she's already carved out an identity independent of farming (teaching dance, talked herself into a retail job in a regional clothing store based in the small town that shortly is expanding into home decor, plans eventually to open her own antique store.) And this is just in the year before the wedding. She did grow up in a farm town, though, with farm family.
I worry a little bit more about the one two years in with a 3 month old. One, they don't live in town anymore and a couple months before the baby came, she gave up her journo job in a town an hour away (she wasn't going to do the commute in the last trimester in a MN winter.) Two, in talking to her, she seemed a bit lost with all the changes in the last year (built a house out in the country, moved out of the city, new baby.) But that just might be the lack of sleep!
Anyway, I'm glad they both reached out to me on fb.
Calli, I'm sorry about the job. Here's hoping something better is around the corner.
Still haven't caught the shooter in Moncton. So terrible.
Also, Calli, I'm sorry.
I don't know if this would help any of you, but here are my workplace's listings: [link]
They only offer long-distance teleworking for a small number of states that AURA has a presence.
Just don't say I referred you! You'll get eaten by the subcontractor, you don't want that. You want AURA.
All arguments are invalid, I am having cocktails with Scola.
Woo, msbelle just cheered me right up!
You guys, it is a lovely house. It's a really hard call financially, though. It would be easier if we just couldn't afford it in some ways.
I only took msbelle to the best cocktail bar in the U.S.
Nice one, msbelle!
ita, if you let me know what position you applied for I can probably put in a good word for you.
calli, you should check out my company's listings, too, just in case!
Cocktail details, please!