We didn't have middle school. Finished elementary school (without the fanfare of graduation) then on to high school
We had 8th grade graduation from grammar school WITH fanfare. I don't remember if family members went, but there was definitely a ceremony. I'm pretty sure the building is still K-8, although I did see a banner up on the wall last night that said something about middle school.
It's definitely a time of major change--the entire reporting structure between the CFO and the group I was in has changed--all new people.
Wow, that is major.
I love my son. Just asked him to throw in a movie and he picked Frozen. Also, in true teenager on summer break fashion, he emerged from his room 3 seconds after noon. He actually had a search last night - didn't wake me and tell me. Not sure if I like this independent stuff.
And Calli! All this job loss business sucks beyond the telling of it. All the ~ma (and I know I offered ita all the ~ma too, but it's a non-exhaustible resource like love, not a finite one like this chocolate right here that is now sadly gone.)
Oh, thanks for the job~ma for K-Bug. She is waiting to hear back on a potential second interview now.
My body is so sore. The massage yesterday helped some, but I still feel runned over.
Best of luck, Calli. I hope a wonderful opportunity opens up for you!
Thanks, all. At least I'm in great company.
All the ~ma (and I know I offered ita all the ~ma too, but it's a non-exhaustible resource like love
Exactly. More and more ~ma sent to the job seekers.
With the D-Day news reports it occurred to me that my parents were married in June 1944. My dad was in the Air Force in Ohio and mom went out there to be married. I don't know why I didn't notice the date connection before. Mom wore a beautiful grey dress suit with a pink blouse. 40s gorgeous for sure. I have to dig out a picture but I am pretty sure mine is sepia.
Of course she always gets very emotional over all the WWII memorial dates because so many of her generation were involved.
Calli, oh no. So much jobma. UGH!!!!
(and for K-bug, and quester, because, like my near-namesake said, it's a non-exhaustible resource)
I am such a news junkie. I keep checking to see if they've caught the shooter in Moncton.
At least I'm in great company.
No pun intended?
Yeah. I get you though. Welcome to the club...sorry about that.
Unrelatedly, I know I bought Burne Hogarth's Drawing Dynamic Hands. I'm super sure, because I even have some sketches I've done from it. But I cannot find it anywhere in the tip that my apartment kinda is right now.
When I googled it a few days ago to evaluate buying it again (I have hand drawing issues that drive me nuts), the third link was a PDF download. And I did. And I printed all 15MB. I can't work out if I feel bad--but I do have the conviction that I bought the book once and I shouldn't have to again, especially since I'll probably find it before I get a new job. This isn't the bookseller's conviction, I know, but it's hard to shake.
I keep looking at the clipboard with the printed pages like they're going to burn me. I should just get off my ass and improve drawing hands.
I feel that maybe I can distract myself from my current sitch by drawing lots of porn, and that's so much better with expressive hands, you know?