At least I'm in great company.
No pun intended?
Yeah. I get you though. Welcome to the club...sorry about that.
Unrelatedly, I know I bought Burne Hogarth's Drawing Dynamic Hands. I'm super sure, because I even have some sketches I've done from it. But I cannot find it anywhere in the tip that my apartment kinda is right now.
When I googled it a few days ago to evaluate buying it again (I have hand drawing issues that drive me nuts), the third link was a PDF download. And I did. And I printed all 15MB. I can't work out if I feel bad--but I do have the conviction that I bought the book once and I shouldn't have to again, especially since I'll probably find it before I get a new job. This isn't the bookseller's conviction, I know, but it's hard to shake.
I keep looking at the clipboard with the printed pages like they're going to burn me. I should just get off my ass and improve drawing hands.
I feel that maybe I can distract myself from my current sitch by drawing lots of porn, and that's so much better with expressive hands, you know?