I'm sitting out on the deck with the cats, finishing my dinner. At least 5, no make that 7, other households are doing the same and our soundtrack is my neighbor rehearsing on her viola. The smell of grilling has hung in the air all day and I had lovely conversations with people on porches or otherwise outside all day.
I think we've all been in need of this spring.
Oh, thanks! I should probably have a Jim Rash alert.
Looks like they will be marathoning next Sunday btw
It's eerie how empty the to-do list is on my TiVo! You would think most of the shows are over for the season or something.
ita, Brene Brown is interesting. I haven't read the book, but I listened to her on On Being and she was decidedly thought-provoking.
SYTYCD on Wednesday! Thank goodness -- I've been watching a lot of Frontline this week, and I don't know how much more I can take...
Oh! This afternoon, my mother and went to see my father and check out the protestant church service they have. So he was asleep and couldn't wake up, so my mother and I went to the service anyway. It was some people from a real Bible Baptist church, and the guy preached for 20 minutes! To a room full of mostly unaware or uninterested people! Yikes. AND said several things I vehemently disagree with. But the songs were real old-timey ones my father would probably like, so maybe another time? We'll see.
Oh Jesse, that's got to be hard, many hugs to you and your mother.
Oof, Jesse. That seems excessive for the people--was it almost all people from the facility or were there other family member types like you guys?
I am exhausted--so much dancing this weekend! But good. And now wishing October was sooner, when I will see these folks again. But then I also got to hang out with my cousins (and a bit more tomorrow)!
I tried on all the clothes in my closet. Two large laundry baskets to get rid of. Brutal. Losing lots of stuff I really liked, several vintage dresses, cute summer skirts, all of my pants. Tomorrow I'll divide what goes straight to thrift and what gets an attempt at eBay. If anyone size 8 or 10 is looking to add to wardrobe and wants to see pics, holler.
I don't care how long I've technically been awake, motivating myself to go swim first thing in the morning is HARD. And I've got to get in before the pool tyrants (I call them something meaner) that are the morning senior water aerobics classes get in there. They.don't.share.