I haven't even tried Stumptown cold brew! It's been a goodly while since I've been to Portland and done the Stumptown pilgrimage...
I use them for first hot cup of coffee in the morning sometimes if I don't have the energy to fresh brew right away.
Yeah, for the coffee you need in your system before you are safe to make coffee, they are fantastic.
Coffee: Incredibly difficult to brew correctly, and even if you do it's still pretty crappy.
Go team tea!
I find tea to be more finicky to brew what with the different temperatures for different types. But both are delicious and have their places in my daily beverage consumption.
If a relatively distant family member references John Gault (sic) in a reply to a FB post about raising the minimum wage, it's totally acceptable for me to beat the shit out of him, right? Metaphorically speaking.
Making coffee at night stills feels funny sometimes, though, right?
I'm actually totally used to it now; it's just part of the before-bed routine. What's weird is on vacation with other people, making coffee in the morning. I'm all "Where is my cup of cold coffee from the fridge?!?"
I wouldn't insist on metaphorically.
Yeah, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. But he's out of range.
My parents recently told me a story about driving to Santa Cruz or somewhere with a friend of theirs who was all into Ayn Rand and getting passed by a couple of young women in a car with a "Who is John Galt?" bumper sticker. The friend got all excited and made my dad catch up to them so he could hold up a little sign he made saying something like "here I am [female character's name]". The women appeared ro have no idea what he was getting at. He was so crushed.
Set fire to it before it spreads, Dana! BURN EVERYTHING.