Making coffee at night stills feels funny sometimes, though, right?
I'm actually totally used to it now; it's just part of the before-bed routine. What's weird is on vacation with other people, making coffee in the morning. I'm all "Where is my cup of cold coffee from the fridge?!?"
I wouldn't insist on metaphorically.
Yeah, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. But he's out of range.
My parents recently told me a story about driving to Santa Cruz or somewhere with a friend of theirs who was all into Ayn Rand and getting passed by a couple of young women in a car with a "Who is John Galt?" bumper sticker. The friend got all excited and made my dad catch up to them so he could hold up a little sign he made saying something like "here I am [female character's name]". The women appeared ro have no idea what he was getting at. He was so crushed.
Set fire to it before it spreads, Dana! BURN EVERYTHING.
Woo! Go Mac!
I gave up coffee for a month, and I've just started back drinking decaf last week. Unfortunately, I busted the handle on my press pot so I'm back to my Mr. Coffee. Which has the advantage of having coffee ready for me when I wake up, but now that I'm drinking decaf that's less of an issue.
Great job, Mac!
“Katie has given her all to this company for over 18 years,” Apple spokesman Steve Dowling said in a statement. “She has wanted to spend time with her children for some time now. We are really going to miss her.”
Isn't "They want to spend more time with their family" publicist code for "they've been pushed out with a soft landing."
In this case I'm a little concerned she's planning to eat those children.