Kind of had the same thought, too, although maybe she gets really fixated on unavailable men, and holds out?
Yes. Exactly. And like I said--a lot of it sure sounded very familiar, in an amusing way ("OMG, how are we still all so 7th grade when we like someone??"), but...
Ugh. Just sent a trying-not-to-be-bitchy-but-DAMN letter to some people. I went to an event last weekend and the MC was trying to be funny, and often was, but was trying to be "edgy" etc. I was startled when she used the word "lame", but probably wouldn't have done or said anything--but then she got sidetracked and explained she was using it DELIBERATELY because last year someone had been upset she used the word, and brought up a post-it to the stage to say that, and when she ignored it brought it to one of the judges, and now she and her friends make fun of that and if you do that they'll laugh at you and tell you to fuck off, etc etc. And I was SO taken aback. Like, damn. So if I have an issue, not only will you repeat it, you'll LAUGH AT ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE next year? Way to make me feel included. Ugh.
Second green smoothie! Still not cured of all my problems.
It's one thing to use ableist language when you're unaware, but if you've had your privilege checked and respond by trolling everyone, then you are an asshole.
Met candidate for interim position.
SUCKED. (and now I've just doomed myself to being forced to work for him).
He was all Me Me Me and his brilliant new ideas and Volunteers Suck. Goodbye, sorry you quit your other job of 17 years, but we are not for you.
It's one thing to use ableist language when you're unaware, but if you've had your privilege checked and respond by trolling everyone, then you are an asshole.
This. And Wow! That is so not funny MC.
Now I'm interested in non-offensive synonyms for lame.
Yeah, I've found myself using ableist language, because so much of our vocabulary for not liking something or thinking something is bad is saturated with slurs.
Yeah, I've found myself using ableist language, because so much of our vocabulary for not liking something or thinking something is bad is saturated with slurs.
Me, too. I try not to, but you're right -- the default is generally a slur.