Just got in from standing in our backyard in my pajamas, helping Jason wash the skunk off of one of our dogs. We all three got soaked. Chet, who's a big disheveled labradoodle, broke free of his collar on his evening walk and ran like a bat out of hell into a side yard of a house down the street. Before Jason could get to him, he ran back out of the shadows and threw himself down on the grass and began rubbing his face in the grass. Poor guy. he was very good during his unexpected nighttime bath. That'll teach him to mess with skunks--except he's a dog, so, you know, it won't at all. We don't think we got it all, so hopefully it's off to the groomer tomorrow.
I'm in nice dry jammies and am in bed.
It would be nice if Chet learned, but we know it doesn't work that way. I hope the aroma improves quickly.
Poor old Chet. And poor you guys, dealing with skunk!
Woke up early, so maybe I should get up and at em. Bleh.
I’m off to have breakfast with Jessica and ita.
ETA: Oh, wait. -t likes this post.
Oh, nice!
Because Saturday morning is Daily Show/Colbert time, I'm thinking that I wish the character of Colbert hadn't gone on TDS to say he was leaving -- it would have been kind of amazing if the character had just slowly cracked up over time and left in a blaze of shame/glory.
New sports bra fits pretty good. My shirt matches the stripe on my capris which are both pretty close to the color of my shoes. I may not be fast, but I will look cute running this race.
Sorry about the skunk, Scrappy. That's one critter I haven't had wander through my yard noticeably, for which I am grateful.
Oh, Jesse, that is a brilliant idea. He still could do the cracking up/on camera breakdown...
I may not be fast, but I will look cute running this race.
And isn't that what really matters?
Also, "Clay Aiken" makes a lot more sense as the name of a southern politician than as the name of a pop singer.
Happy breakfasting in NYC!
There will be sauteed skinny asparagus and mushrooms this weekend. First appearance of the skinny stuff this week.
So much to do this weekend, all self inflicted, per usual.