Oh, nice!
Because Saturday morning is Daily Show/Colbert time, I'm thinking that I wish the character of Colbert hadn't gone on TDS to say he was leaving -- it would have been kind of amazing if the character had just slowly cracked up over time and left in a blaze of shame/glory.
New sports bra fits pretty good. My shirt matches the stripe on my capris which are both pretty close to the color of my shoes. I may not be fast, but I will look cute running this race.
Sorry about the skunk, Scrappy. That's one critter I haven't had wander through my yard noticeably, for which I am grateful.
Oh, Jesse, that is a brilliant idea. He still could do the cracking up/on camera breakdown...
I may not be fast, but I will look cute running this race.
And isn't that what really matters?
Also, "Clay Aiken" makes a lot more sense as the name of a southern politician than as the name of a pop singer.
Happy breakfasting in NYC!
There will be sauteed skinny asparagus and mushrooms this weekend. First appearance of the skinny stuff this week.
So much to do this weekend, all self inflicted, per usual.
I had a green smoothie for breakfast. It was tasty, but the real joy is the feeling of smugness.
Also, I expect that this one smoothie will cure all my ills.
I had a green smoothie for breakfast. It was tasty, but the real joy is the feeling of smugness.
TRUTH. I feel morally superior every time I have one.
Also, I expect that this one smoothie will cure all my ills.
Mine have not yet turned me into Wonder Woman, which pisses me off a little.
Mine have not yet turned me into Wonder Woman, which pisses me off a little.
True story from Ryan's fifth birthday party (which was today, yay birthday boy). A friend of his from childcare went to a different school. His mother was telling me about an exercise they did in class, where all the children were given a picture of a sheep. They had to colour it in or decorate it, and then write down an end to the sentence "The sheep is _____________."
Almost half the class wrote "The sheep is Batman."