OMG, I'm literally sitting here wasting the morning (until the review I have do now), and my boss comes in to check on some stuff we promised to get done, and I was like, "Sure, I can take care of that, but they don't need it til Thursday, right?" RIGHT. TODAY IS THURSDAY. WTF, Jesse.
I guess the good news is that tomorrow is Friday?
Shit, it's Thursday.
At least it stopped raining.
So Happy It's Thursday
ETA I still haven't changed from my distance glasses to my "office" glasses. Because of running around on urgent must be done first thing stuff. Sigh.
"Sure, I can take care of that, but they don't need it til Thursday, right?" RIGHT. TODAY IS THURSDAY.
Yesterday I was briefly convinced it was Thursday, and when I was on my way home and checking to see if some packages had been delivered, I saw "delivered Wednesday" and thought "LIES AND SLANDER I DID NOT GET ANY PACKAGES LAST NIGHT." Oopsy-daisy.
I just managed to break the shower. Or at least the part you pull up on to get the shower on. Argh.
I think I have replaced that before, Amy.
Scandal casting/personal-life trouble news: [link]
Jesse, I heard about that, and I was wonder if (spoilers for the already aired finale)
it was just a happy accident that the finale ended with that character having a gun on him, or if Shonda Rhimes was already planning on killing him off.
Yeah, I wonder if she was hedging her bets there.
The Kitty Games: Catching Fire
Disclaimer: No cats were set on fire for this picture.
I took a picture of Squeaky using only red light to light the room. Then I had Lightroom automatically "fix" the picture, which made it worse.
So, cool? Terrible? WTF? An abomination unto photography and cats?