(mammogram stuff).
I have had about 3-4 mammograms, and my 1st and 3rd ones were with female techs who were VERY experienced. Like had been doing this for 20+ years.
The 2nd one was everyone's nightmare of a mammogram if you could conjure one in your brain. The tech could not get a microt of shit about me. Treated me like a piece of meat, and...and she didn't even do the mammogram right so I had to go back in.
My rec if you are anxious is to get a tech who has been doing it for awhile. IME, they tend to be the types who will walk you through it and make the experience pretty chill.
MEARA! Get up and work out!!!
Man, this rain is giving me a serious case of the Don't-Wannas. But apparently it will be done in a couple of hours?
Go work out, meara! You can sleep more later if you want.
Dear clothing manufacturers: I don't think it is too much to ask that I should be able to put my cell phone in the front pocket of my jeans. Can we work on that?
Happy May Day! I kinda want to pull a quick strike in honor of the holiday, but only because I don't want to work, not demanding anything.
I kinda want to pull a quick strike in honor of the holiday, but only because I don't want to work, not demanding anything.
That would have been an excellent idea!
I don't think it is too much to ask that I should be able to put my cell phone in the front pocket of my jeans. Can we work on that?
Yet another thing to recommend Not Your Daughter's Jeans: big front pockets!
Oooh. Maybe next time I go jean shopping. I did see some at Nordstrom Rack on sale, but I wasn't looking for jeans right then.
I could call in sick, but then I'd just have more work to catch up on when I went back. I do have a vacation coming up, I should be patient.
In rabbit news, my girls (I guess they are inevitably going to be Lucy and Ethel, though I don't know if there's any way to easily tell which is Lucy and which is Ethel, so maybe they should be Lucy&Ethel like FitzSimmons or something) have turned upside down, chewed on, and tossed all over the cage the cardboard box that the rescue people gave them for a litter box, while efficiently filling with poop one of their food dishes. Weirdos.
OMG, I'm literally sitting here wasting the morning (until the review I have do now), and my boss comes in to check on some stuff we promised to get done, and I was like, "Sure, I can take care of that, but they don't need it til Thursday, right?" RIGHT. TODAY IS THURSDAY. WTF, Jesse.
I guess the good news is that tomorrow is Friday?
Shit, it's Thursday.
At least it stopped raining.
So Happy It's Thursday
ETA I still haven't changed from my distance glasses to my "office" glasses. Because of running around on urgent must be done first thing stuff. Sigh.
"Sure, I can take care of that, but they don't need it til Thursday, right?" RIGHT. TODAY IS THURSDAY.
Yesterday I was briefly convinced it was Thursday, and when I was on my way home and checking to see if some packages had been delivered, I saw "delivered Wednesday" and thought "LIES AND SLANDER I DID NOT GET ANY PACKAGES LAST NIGHT." Oopsy-daisy.
I just managed to break the shower. Or at least the part you pull up on to get the shower on. Argh.