Nobody said fly naked, Theo.
Some people have totally said fly naked!
Yikes, sarameg!
Ouch, Sheryl. That sucks.
Mammogram accomplished. They have upgraded from film to digital since last time, and, perhaps relatedly, this time was a lot less uncomfortable. It reminds me of yoga class: get into an unnatural position, have someone move your body into the actual correct position, hold it for a few breaths until that someone tells you you can move. The tech showed me the pictures so I could see how much clearer the digital is than the scanned film, pretty impressive.
Hit Trader Joe's after. No artichokes, woes. I will have to make do with asparagus and bok choy.
The actual seeing of the pictures is pretty cool. When I had my ultrasound for what-turned-out-to-be-gastritis, the tech was nice enough to let me see the pictures, and helpfully point out the actual gallbladder, pancreas, and et ceteras.
("Cool!" I said, "I have kidney-shaped kidneys! Who knew?!")
("Cool!" I said, "I have kidney-shaped kidneys! Who knew?!")
So, my father's wigging out again, too bad. I'm pretty sure the doctor at the hospital didn't think they were done adjusting meds yet, so I hope my mother gets in touch with the doctor from the nursing home.... She just said she thinks it's because he's realizing he's not coming home, and I 100% don't think that -- I think it's just his neurons -- so I hope she doesn't spend a lot of time feeling bad about that.
I hope she doesn't too and that the nursing home handles it.
It's fucking balmy out. When I got home, warmer inside than out. Now the reverse it true. Freaking weather.
I'm going to be shopvaccing all night. I swear this leak sprung after the earthquake. And I don't think I can even reach to slather it with sealer (it improved other seams 75%) because it is behind the furnace. I want to build a berm and channels.
I built a berm with wet towels and plastic sheeting. We'll see.
Better article on the collapse (in terms of context and descriptions): [link]
At least I just got 2048 on that stupid game!
At least I just got 2048 on that stupid game!
I feel like that's resume-worthy. I've only gotten 1024 once in a while.
I feel like that's resume-worthy. I've only gotten 1024 once in a while.
Seriously. I've never gotten higher than the 500-whatever square.
I hope your dad's okay, Jesse.
Hubby made quiche. He's very proud of his quiche, it makes him happy to serve me something that will get me to eat vegetables. I dislike quiche. But I like him. I eat the quiche.
(I am not a fan of cooked eggs on their own. Plus, veggies. Particularly stewed tomatoes. He at least doesn't quibble when I pick out most of the tomatoes.)