We live a damn charmed life. Power went out at 5:40 today. This is, of course, August 15 in the Ohio River valley, otherwise known as Hot As Hell And Twice As Humid.
Except it never even got out of the 70s, and basically no humidity. Perfect weather to lose power and not have a/c.
I had a quiche in the oven when the power went out, and there were about 10 minutes to go (we have an electric stove). I figure, when you turn an oven off, it doesn't go from 350 to ICE COLD in 10 seconds, so I left the quiche in for about 15 minutes and hoped for the best.
It baked all the way through.
This way we didn't need to open the fridge or freezer to dig out dinner, and we wouldn't have been able to cook anything anyway.
So we ate dinner on the front porch and talked to the neighbors for a while. Tim really wanted hot coffee, so he pulled out his camp stove and and reheated leftover coffee in the backyard, while I spun glow poi (interspersed with whacking myself painfully in the face with the glow poi).
Most of the websites I've seen have said food will keep in a fridge without power for 4 hours, as long as you don't open it. We didn't open it.
The power came back on literally exactly 4 hours after it went out. We live a damn charmed life.
Bonny, how are you feeling tonight?
sj, I'm okay. I'm super sore...all over, it seems. I tried not to take the pain meds today and that has been hard. I'm going to take some tylenol pm in hopes of getting some sleep. I am well and truly worn out.
I took one of the bandages off and that was a mistake. I'm still not clotting, which is worrying.
Not being able to use my hands is more troublesome than even I would have imagined. I think I'll need to use rubber gloves tomorrow if I'm going to get anything done!
People have been lovely, though. I am truly grateful for the validation and support. Thank you so much.
Wow. That has to be the best power outage story ever. Definitely charmed!!
bonny - I'm glad you're feeling okay, but no more removing bandages!! Get some good rest tonight. Amazing hw much good rest can quicken up the healing.
I'm still not clotting, which is worrying.
There is medication that can help you clot. You might want to go to a Minute Clinic tomorrow if you're still not clotting. I would like all your blood to stay on the inside, please.
DebetEsse and I had a lot of fun getting some more GISHWHES items done today. Then I slept for a while. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get some more photos of people hugging. The latest update suggested setting up a stand somewhere public, with a sign explaining that you're trying to set a world record for number of photos of people hugging, and, while that does sound easier than just randomly approaching people and asking them to hug for a photo, I'm still not sure that I can do it.
That really IS the 'you win at blackouts' story, Steph.
Thanks Aimee. I'm turning in now. Fingers crossed for some actual sleep. That oxycodone sleep last night was rubbish.
That oxycodone sleep last night was rubbish.
Opioids actually make me jittery and not able to sleep. Bodies are weird.
Bonny, I agree with Teppy. I would definitely do something if you are still not clotting tomorrow.