I was slightly tipsy earlier from a small glass of red wine.
t fist bumps lisah t only slightly anxiously
And HEY! I get to fist bump you in person this weekend. Or even hug.
So, like, you guys. My roommate and I have been getting along better, mostly because I don't ask for anything. This evening, without even a heads up, he has a friend over and proceeds to play a table top game in the dining area and then puts on a movie. I was working on an estimate* when they got there, and he just assumed I would be the judge in their game. And now they are watching Casino Royale in the living room.
I *told* him earlier today that this week is crazy craft crunch time** for me. That means I need a flat expanse to work on. I'm going to have to talk to him - didn't want to do it in front of his friend. UGGGGH why is he so damn inconsiderate? This especially grates after that whole thing where he didn't want me to have 6 people over with THREE WEEKS NOTICE because it was a week night and we "need to respect each other's down time".
* You guys I just sent off my first real job estimate for someone who isn't a friend. BLARGH. Current boss reviewed it for me and gave me some suggestions. I feel like I'm asking too much (boss thinks I'm asking too little). BLARGH. Can I have some "accept the quote" ~ma?
** Okay, I ended up not really having much time to craft tonight, but I could have done a little something. I'm not going to have any throws for Saturday, ISTG. I have all day off Friday, so I will just be in a frenzy trying to finish throws and my costume. Tomorrow we have practice and Thursday I have another networking thing.