There's a march on Saturday in Charlotte and I breifly thought about going. I'm mentally exhausted after working as cashier for 4 hours and I know trying to go to any kind of protest thing is going to be too much.
Which sucks. Because I'd like to go. I'll be cheering everyone on.
And YAY for seeing Britney and protesting smonster
My cervix is happy! It was totally a breeze, which I was not expecting, after some of the cautionary tales I'd heard here and elsewhere, but I feel like maybe the cramping I'd had with my abnormal uterine bleeding for the past oh, decade, was so severe that any advertised cramping with placement was light by comparison. We shall see what the next three months brings as far as acculturation, but I am seriously looking forward to potential no periods. Yay Obamacare!
Oh, lordy, my mother just called and she's had another car accident, very close to my work, so I'm headed over there to help her out. Please send ~ma!
Oh no, Epic. ~ma to your mother!
Much OK~ma to your mother, Epic.
Lots of ~ma to your mother, Epic.
I think the fix for someone putting the dog bowl on the counter is putting the dog up on the counter so he can reach his dish. 24-7 access to water is non-negotiable in my book (except the rare occassions ordered by a vet). If Frankie is too heavy for you to lift, then it is only reasonable to ask roommie to get him up there, no?
You guys, I need to whine.
I don't know if I explained this here or on Facebook, but I have been traumatized by my management company. They took over the building from a friend of my sister and it has been one thing after another.
I had bed bugs for the first time in my living in apartments life. They heat treated. Then they charged me $650 for it that I didn't actually sign a permission for. but I don't have the wherewithal to move, so I made a deal to pay a little every month in addition to my rent. I pay electronically and the rent goes in automatically just before the 1st.
So they keep applying my rent checks to the heat treatment and then applying the heat treatment payment as my rent and then sending me what I perceive as threatening messages about eviction proceedings if I don't pay the rent. I keep having to correct them and it's been an emotional strain, to say the least.
So I decided, for the sake of my sanity to ask my oldest sister for help to pay the whole thing off before the next rent check goes in. I would never have asked but I was so upset about the first "eviction" phone call which I heard right before the family Christmas gathering. And I was a mess. And she offered to help. So she's sending me money.
All good, sigh of relief. Then I wake up this morning and find 3 new bites. The damned bugs are back! and the management company just had exterminators supposedly come through the building to spray a couple of weeks ago!
So, my bedding is in the laundry and i am just really tired. So very tired.
Bed bugs are exhausting alone. Management company badness is its own set of exhausting. Combined = ugh. I'm sorry you are going through this.
~ma for your mom, Epic.
quester, that sucks hard. Eff them.
WindSparrow, it's his food bowl. The water bowl is in my room and therefore out of his purview. It's licked clean about 15 seconds after I fill it, so I see no need to wash it. And yeah, I can lift Frankie if I have to, but it's not practical on a daily basis.
I am trying to go high when he goes passive aggressive control freak, but it's hard. I'm doing my best to be compassionate and choose my battles while still standing up for myself. I'm trying to react to each thing he does as if a friend I care about had done it.
God, trying to be a good person is exhausting.