They found something!!! Cat scan and ultrasound found something on my liver. They suspect at some point a small leak from my gallbladder caused a leak that landed on my liver. A radiological assisted surgery is in the works. They will poke me with a thingy, guided by ct scan, drain the fluid, and hopefully be cured. My concern (that I didn't mention on book of face) is my possibility of malignant hyperthermia from general anesthesia. Yes, they can use different drugs. Yes they can triple clean the gear. When death is on the line, concern kinda rides high.
They started me on antibiotics last night. No symptoms in over 30 hours. But then again the symptoms were not a constant thing.
It's being a bad season for uppity gallbladders. Which I didn't know could spring leaks!
Simple, uncomplicated resolution, OA!
Glad your doctors were diligent, omnis. I hope that leads to a quick fix.
That sounds like something resembling good news. Getting you fixed up, and hopefully they pay careful attention to you specific needs.
What is malignant huperthermia? Have you had a bad reaction to anasthesia before? Sounds scary! Here's hoping it all goes swimmingly and easily as possible!!
Yikes, omnis! I just (monday) had lapro to kick my rogue gallbladder to the curb. I don't know if you are keeping yours, but getting holes poked in the guts is...something else. Wishing you a quick and uncomplicated recovery. Mine has been, but I just had a damned huge stone and deformed gallbladder, no infection.
Well, another update. So there is also a bulge in the bile ducts. They don't know if it's a stone from the uppity gallbladder or a thickening of the duct (which would reduce its interior size). Since I'm not in pain (which is confusing everyone) invasive radiological wants to wait and see if antibiotics do the trick. But further tests need doing to see what the bulge is. Could be MRI, if the rod in my back is happy with that. Could be a camera down my throat. Could be both. Could be more. So we are wait/see that antibiotics do the trick, and can I do MRI. Likely not released until Tuesday at earliest. Possibly a week.
I am sorry about the extended stay! When my MIL had her gall bladder out it was the talk of the hospital that she had been walking around with all the blockage and huge stones. Some people don't feel the pain while others are in extreme pain. Bodies = weird.
I just looked up malignant hyperthermia. Wow, that's a new one to me. We got a bunch of things in first responder certification ("EMT lite") that you don't get in first aid, but not that. Glad you are getting answers, now for results.
Maybe this is helpful smonster? Y'all have this, [link] which does a lot of Contracting. (The place I'm retired from is the SF Bay Area analog to this agency.) If you do the paperwork to get yourself certified as a dbe and a wbe - - disadvantaged business Enterprise and women business Enterprise -- and get yourself listed, you'll get information anytime there's a contract. Contractors are always looking for dbe and wbe subcontractors. The contracts that are listed right now R4 technical work, but all kinds of stuff comes through. I don't remember if we issued a proposal for this so I might be arguing against my own advocacy, but we hired somebody to drive all around on the freeways and take photographs of all the call boxes. I always thought that sounded like a really good job.