I did end up finding the relevant info that the pharmacy wanted. It was for my flu shot.
I just am bad about ditching bottles and then having no clue what the info I should have retained is for after all.
I'm bad at documentation for personal meds. I talk to a person I think is smart, fill things and hopefully never meet the doctor technically overseeing. I'm lucky because he's smart, listens and is conservative on meds but has no problem with a Rx when appropriate.
Also I really need more sleep. Thanks, insomnia. It's been real for the last few hours but Ima go back to sleep now,I hope. Anyone using an activity/sleep tracker that they like? My phone will do sleep but I am pretty sure it tracks dog sleep, not mine. It's useful but very inaccurate.
I use SleepCycle (app) on my phone (seems to be pretty effective as long as it's very close to my pillow) and a fitbit for overall tracking, including sleep. Loves me my fitbit.
I need governing help. Kelly and I want to create a goofy"hair splinter kit" I already have done "fashion" tweezers, tiny bandaids, Neosporin, and I'm going to get a small pack of tissues to dry up his tears. What else???
Suzi, I have no idea what that even means. What's a hair splinter?
It's when a bit of hair gets lodged in one's skin in similar fashion as a splinter of wood. The one I had was significantly more sore than I would have expected considering how hair-thin hair is.
I use Sleep Cycle and love it. Never start my day without it!
Andi has it exactly right. C got one a few weeks back and neither Kelly nor I had ever heard of a hair splinter. C kept whining about it and we kept not believing him and giving him grief until I asked about it on FB and found out that hair splinters can, and do, happen. So now it has become "a thing" in the house.
The kit we came up with has tweezers, neosporin, tiny bandaids, tissues, advil, gold bond healing lotion, and a magnifying glass. The box we are using is pretty full at this point. I'm going to print off as professional looking a label as I can.
This is hilariously weird: when I had my annual OB/GYN appointment last week, the doctor removed my Mirena because it was a couple-few months past its expiration. I'm getting a new one, because Trump, but the office manager has to order it, so I am currently IUD-less.
All day my IBS has been particularly painful, all lower-abdominal crampy and such. Except, no, it's not my IBS. Or at least not entirely my IBS. I'm getting my first period in 10 years. TEN. YEARS. I don't even remember how to have a period. This is so weird. And also painful. I did not miss this at all.
Oh dear, I hope you get the new one soon! I don't miss periods whatsoever.
You have my sympathies, Teppy. It wasn't 10 years, but it was long enough in between periods that when I had my first one after ltc was born, I had sort of forgotten how miserable they were.