Could your ears be clogged from the plane ride?
I hope not, after a week!
It does seem like it's a combo of the migraine and low blood sugar issues caused by some medication changes. I will be so glad when I'm done tapering off the Abilify, because then I'll get to seriously start tapering off the Metformin. All while searching for a new psychiatrist so we can figure out what meds I *should* be on.
Oops. Sorry. I thought you just got back.
Oops. Sorry. I thought you just got back.
Hee! It feels like it, but no. We got home this time last week. Pete's still struggling with his sleep schedule, and I've only just unearthed the depths of my work email.
And we both miss British food.
I have definitely had a migraine present as vertigo. So much suck.
Andi, you are the sweetest human I know. This is so beautiful.
In my heart, I am holding each of your hearts carefully, like I held Sammie when she first climbed down out of that big tree to where I could scoop her up and take her home. You are precious. You are loved. You deserve to be cared for. You deserve to have your space and boundaries as you want and need them.
I'm bordering on not being able to be available to my clients for the first time in pretty much ever. Even in grief, sickness and pain, I've been able to work.
This psycho pet coaching client has gone so off the rails, that tomorrow I'm going to have to go to the police to file a criminal harassment report.
My attorney is a nice enough guy, but every day he does not get the damned cease and desist letter written, MORE damage is done.
Now the perp is calling former employers and harassing them.
I was okay with the threats and insults when they were just leveled at me, but this is completely out of control.
In all my storied life, I've never had anything like this happen. It's appalling.
bee, honestly, speaking from experience, don't wait. File the report immediately. Get a restraining order if you can. Tell your attorney to light a fire under his butt or you'll find another lawyer. Stop seeing your clients until this is taken care of, because his next step is to harass THEM. Never assume a person who keeps being irrationally furious like this isn't going to go even further. He
might not
be dangerous, but you should proceed as if he is.
He might not be dangerous, but you should proceed as if he is.
Yes. It's not worth playing the odds that he's not dangerous.
I hope this settles down for you as soon as it possibly can.
What they all said. This is really urgent.
Very concerned about you, Bee. It probably does not need to be said, but to the extent you take Zen's advice about not seeing clients, track every single appointment you put off to include in the civil suit against the guy.
Migraines definitely of the suck. I think at least I have moved into the hangover phase.
WindSparrow, I hope the hangover ends soon and you feel better.
I went to bed five hours ago. I have not been able to sleep. I got up twice to spend quality time with the foam roller. I'm already leaving work early tomorrow for a doc's appt, so o really don't want to go in late or take the whole day, especially because we are behind where we want to be.
This sucks.
I really need to get back to yoga.
I stayed home today to get a sofa delivered and the fucking thing was 2" too tall to fit through the hallway to the family room where it was supposed to be set up.
I've been waiting for this sofa since AUGUST (it's a Joybird, custom made) and now I'm sitting on it in the living room and I just want to cry. Compared to what other people are going through, this is nothing, but we haven't been able to use the family room since we moved, and it was supposed to be over today.
This sofa is really comfortable. Fuck it.
I guess I need to find a "we move furniture into your tiny East Village studio apartment" guy who's willing to come up to Westchester who can take the base off and shove it past the narrow turn.