That's great, Andi! Appreciation is nice, cash nicer.
Absolutely everything in my life is in my calendar. I have had a horrible memory all my life, therefore good organizational skills. My calendar reminds me of all the usual business and pleasure appointments, birthdays and such, but also to take my vitamins, water the plants, everything. Computers changed my life. See also my reliance and the red squiggly line.
Windsparrow, that is tremendous and I am so glad to see you being recognized this way. You'll be excellent in the role.
Nora, yay Hamilton! I really want to see it again.
WS, it's about time, you 100% deserve it! Congrats!
Absolutely everything in my life is in my calendar. I have had a horrible memory all my life, therefore good organizational skills. My calendar reminds me of all the usual business and pleasure appointments, birthdays and such, but also to take my vitamins, water the plants, everything. Computers changed my life.
This is me. I was a hot mess until smartphones and online banking. Now I can pretend to be a responsible adult.
I saw the new psychiatrist yesterday. She was supportive and helpful and prescribed me new drugs. Now I have Atarax for anxiety (also an antihistamine, so doing double duty), and I'm giving Cymbalta a try. I took the Atarax yesterday and it seems to work fine but it makes me really drowsy - like Benadryl but not as strong.
Can anyone share their experience with Cymbalta? What am I getting into?
I don't have anything to share, Zen, but I hope it works for you.
She was supportive and helpful and prescribed me new drugs.
Niiiice! Good to hear, Zen.
Absolutely everything in my life is in my calendar. I have had a horrible memory all my life, therefore good organizational skills. My calendar reminds me of all the usual business and pleasure appointments, birthdays and such, but also to take my vitamins, water the plants, everything. Computers changed my life.
I've started using a bullet journal, and it's helped me a whole lot. I like that it's flexible -- I was never able to get my weird schedule to work with the pre-printed planners -- and that everything goes in that one place. If I need to write something down to remember it, it goes there, and I don't have to think about "Does this go in the planner or in the address book?" or anything like that.
Andi, I don't think I said congratulations -- you really deserve this. (Which includes the raise. That's quite nice!)
Now I have Atarax for anxiety
My brother takes that, and he says it's not quite as effective as a benzo, but his doctor is reluctant to prescribe him a benzo since he's an addict.
I took the Atarax yesterday and it seems to work fine but it makes me really drowsy - like Benadryl but not as strong.
I've developed such a tolerance to Benadryl causing drowsiness that 1 doesn't even make a dent unless I am severely sleep-deprived. So you may develop a tolerance to the drowsiness while the drug still helps with the anxiety.
I seriously can't even remember if I tried Cymbalta among the merry-go-round of ADs I went on and off. I think it was Celexa, though.