I am not sure how official this is (they asked today, I answered, no paperwork has been done and they may or may not need to post the job externally for official purposes), but I appear to have agreed to become the house coordinator for one of the three houses I work at as a Direct Support Professional. Incidentally, I am also one of seven people in the entire company all over the state to have been accepted to the company's mentoring program for people who want to pursue national credentialing for Direct Care Professionals.
I know that I can do this work well. What I am not certain of is whether it will leave me with any energy for anything outside of work.
Oh, esse.. yeah. Awesome would be the thing that was not.
I'm glad you made it, John. A good laugh is just the thing some nights.
Yay remembering in the nick of time, John!
Esse, that sucks.
I went to meet my friend for trivia, and he'd invited a couple friends, but then they bailed, and then it was the same trivia host as a couple weeks ago who was AWFUL and SLOW (kept interrupting herself and talked suuuuuuper slow, so it took forever). We made it to the second round, decided we didn't know enough of the answers, and gave up. Went for a long walk, so that at least felt good, even if it probably didn't burn off the basket of tater tots.
Just saw Hamilton in Chicago and had ALLLLLLL THE FEEEEEEEELS. Now I have a crying headache and I'm sad that it's over.
Nora, I'm so glad you got to go! But also jealous!
but I appear to have agreed to become the house coordinator for one of the three houses I work at as a Direct Support Professional.
Awesome! I hope they appreciate you with an increase in compensation commensurate with the increase in responsibilities.
I managed to miss a Scottish dinner with Diana Gabaldon
Oh, I would be kicking walls! Sorry. Good to hear you remembered in time, John.
Nora! Yay for spectacular entertainment, boo for joy hangover.
Awesome! I hope they appreciate you with an increase in compensation commensurate with the increase in responsibilities.
About $4.40 an hour more.
WS, congrats!
I bought the ticket ages ago and had it pinned to my corkboard.
I almost missed seeing John Hodgman interview John Cleese this way. Eldest Younger Sister and I had bought the tickets months in advance and made no further plans to meet up at the theatre until about a hour before the show when we both looked at our calendars and said OH FUCK SEE YOU SOON.
I thought I had dealt with my shit from my childhood (and teens and 20s and and and), but apparently I have not.
Well, you dealt with them for the earlier stages of your life, now you're dealing with how they affect this stage.
Boo, personal growth, boo!!! Repression and dysfunction and eating my feelings is so much easier!