erika, the saddest part is that he is a super nice guy, and not even a Nice Guy. He's also been bombarding me with information about how we all need to eat local, and I'm like, dude, where the fuck have you been? I've been pissed at Monsanto since at least 1998. Do you not see me posting pictures of my haul from my farmer's market? Sharing statuses of my friends who are farmers?
And how the FUCK are Walmart workers supposed to afford to eat local?
bonny, what? I'm confused. Did the owner say that, or is he saying that? Who's the "she" in this instance?
Honestly, now I'm not mad as much as I am sincerely worried that there is something actually wrong with this guy.
He escalated the email stream to saying that I don't need to apologize to him, but SHE does. Yep, smonster, She is the owner, his employer of the last three years.
I told him that I understood and agreed that I should not be the lead on projects...mostly because I know G, the owner never said such rubbish. It's so outrageous...especially after the email I received from her telling me how indespensible I am to her...that I figured I should just back away calmly.
I asked if he could help me out by helping me to understand what I need to apologize for. He replied with, "I've always done everything for the betterment of the company."
Scratching my head, I replied, "I could say the same for myself and, frankly, I've done nothing but support you to the fullest, cheered you on and sung your I suddenly become the enemy not only hurts me deeply on a personal level, but...and I'm not being sarcastic here...totally mystifies me. You are the lynchpin and no one disputes that."
He replied, "You are not my enemy - I hope
I'm not good with children, so help ne out....
Take care,"
I'm not good with children, so help me out?
I don't even know what that means!
Oh god. Now I'm concerned that my surmise that he was drinking when he caused the first fracas might actually have been correct.
Lord. That's all we need.
It would be nice, sure.
Just like I would, on one level, like to totally decrease my footprint by being completely vegetarian. On a philosophical level that excites me more than on a gastronomic one.
But I can make changes in my habits to limit meaty meals, and turn up the thermostat.
smonster, wonder if there's ever been case of someone soliciting to pay for organic fruit and veges.(I only get them sometimes, myself. What with eating every day and so forth. They are totally better...better enough to be worth it? I'm not sure, in some ways, because you have to use them faster.)ETA: Anthony Bourdain wrote an essay about that in one of his books in reference to Alice Waters...that in some ways, his heart thinks she is totally right, but his brain thinks she's smoking monkey crack(shockingly, he didn't actually use this phrase.)
bonny, ugh. I don't know what to tell you.
erika, you made me literally laugh out loud, and I needed that. And whether they're better for me, I fully believe they're better for the farmworkers and the planet.
Forgot to take my birth control and my antidepressant this morning, no wonder I'm hell on wheels.
New computer setup - in front of living room couch so I can lean back on couch and type, with monitor and keyboard at proper height. Keyboard, mouse and network connection all wireless. Now to find out if I can make extended use of computer without pain.
I'm still ridiculously stressed about the job situation. I'm kicking myself for not getting an IT or engineering degree. (As if people in those fields don't lose their jobs...I *get* that I'm being irrational.)
Tim is fantastic, though, and told me that if we need to get courthouse-married before our planned wedding date so that he can put me on his health insurance, we can totally do that. (Pretty sure we don't have enough employees for COBRA to apply to us.)
So I realize I'm ridiculously lucky in a lot of ways, but I'm still a giant seething ball of stress and knife-y stomach pain right now.