I can't say whether this works or not, but the opportunity to say "Shut the fuck up, Donald" should never be wasted.
This. I still picture my negative brain shit as brain weasels, but weasels can occasionally be kind of cute. OTOH I don't want to think of Donald Trump being in my brain.
Ativan, sleep, therapist, and STFUD sound like a good start, Tep.
Well, depression is the only thing that lies more than Trump, so it makes perfect sense.
Things that help me: Small steps. Focus on the task at hand. Set a timer. Take breaks. Take a short walk if it's nice outside. Prioritize. Pick the perfect music to pump you up (Hamilton) or calm you (Explosions in the Sky), as needed. Show yourself empathy out loud.
You are Hercules Mulligan. You're in the shit, somebody's gotta shovel it. When you get knocked down you get the fuck back up again.
You are Hercules Mulligan. You're in the shit, somebody's gotta shovel it. When you get knocked down you get the fuck back up again.
You know, every time I heard that line, I sang it and punched the air like a badass. Until about 2 months ago. Now every single time it makes me cry. I can't imagine not feeling like this. I don't think things will ever, ever be better.
Things that help me: Small steps. Focus on the task at hand. Set a timer. Take breaks. Take a short walk if it's nice outside. Prioritize. Pick the perfect music to pump you up (Hamilton) or calm you (Explosions in the Sky), as needed. Show yourself empathy out loud.
Those things help me also. As well as reminding myself, out loud, often, that things are actually okay and it's gonna be fine and I can handle it.
I have been having to "breathe through" some awful emotions the last two weeks. My job performance has suffered, my personal life even more so. If this is my new normal, like you say, Steph - I gotta figure out how to live with it.
I have nothing useful to add to what the others said, but I'm pulling for you, Steph.
eta And for you, Zen.
As well as reminding myself, out loud, often, that things are actually okay and it's gonna be fine and I can handle it.
I don't, actually, believe things are going to be fine. I didn't say that out loud until last night. But I don't. (And, obviously, I'm entirely unable to handle it.)
Yeah, I hear you. I don't either. That's why I have to keep saying it. It's what I would say to a friend. You know, like you.
Steph - I am so glad you checked in. Depression is a huge liar.
I know you will get through this because I've seen you get through so much already.
Can you pick one thing you can handle and block everything else out until you can see your therapist? That sometimes help me. I sometimes literally say, "fuck it" out loud to everything else. This might not be the healthiest idea, but sometimes it's what gets you through.
If you can't pick one thing - grab the thing closest to hand (thing/task whatever) - do that. Take a breath - grab the next thing.