Some of these craigslist scammers don't even try. The description claims new hardwood floors! The pictures show white wall to wall carpeting. Upgraded kitchen! (kitchen looks old and from another apartment) and Non conforming layout, apartment looks like a open floor plan.
At least the price was in the right ball park.
Happy Friday everyone! website is live ... and now I'm doing clean-up ... which includes tracking down the images oh-so-smart(not!)-boy uploaded and getting them down to a reasonable size. To top it off, he refuses to put images in the "images" section when he uploads them - no, no, this genius (sarcasm font) puts them in the "documents" section ... which is intended for PDFs, Word docs, etc. Why? guess it's because he knows better than anyone else (sorry if my sarcasm is dripping on your page ... I'll clean up aftermyself ... UNLIKE genius-boy).
I really hope there is a finish in site, Todd. And ever more so I hope there is a bonus in your future, or at the very least a vacation!
Thanks! we're doing clean-up, so that's going to be protracted ... and someone else is handling some functional issues (like, when people forget their passwords, trying to get it to send them the info ... not that it ever did realiably, but ....). No bonus, but I'm taking off a bunch of Fridays ... which should be restful.
Got the first really good night's sleep for quite a while.
It says something when the high point of your week is a trip to the dentist (teeth are fine, but I need to floss better).
hah! a lolcat that expresses my emotional state for the past ... while
So I have a job, well a job offer but not an official job until I get a thing via email that I fill out and pass the background check and all that jazz.
But I have a paper with names on it and official info and they are paying me above minimum wage.
I got asked again why I wanted to work there and I didn't go with the truth (I applied on a whim to see if it would cause an anxiety attack) I went with - Best Buy is a solid company and gadgets are cool.
So I have a job
That is GREAT! Congratulations!!!
::throws confetti::
yay for the job! and do you get to play with the gadgest? you know, so you can tell customers about them?
Congrats on the job, askye!
They do cross training in the various departments and I'm staring off as a STA (Sales Transaction Associate) aka Cashier and then people can move out of there. They did ask what department I'd be interested in and I said tablets, that seemed to get a good response.
They are setting my start day as a week from Saturday. And DAd is traveling to Maine and then he'll be here and was going to be here during that time. The orientation is 4 hours and with the distance between here and the store it will eat up the whole day. So I'm not sure how Dad and I will work around that, but we'll figure out something.
However the manager did say that sometimes things could take longer.