I posted in Natter - but
my anxiety over the swollen feet and redness on my shin led me to the ER. I was relaly anxious and obsessing about bad things happening so I figured I'll go, it's small town, they can't be that busy, if it's nothing then it's nothing.
There's swelling in my feet and legs! I have a diuretic prescription (and have taken one) later today I'll get scheduled for an ultrasound. But my circulation is good and blood sugar is good and the doctor and nurses made me feel comfortable and not like I was wasting anyone's time.
And I have to go to my regular GP , I guess to find out what's causing this if hte ultrasound doesn't show anything.
Have you considered media-based self-medication? Liberal application of music, movie, and/or tv?
I have started on this application. Also making a chicken pot pie.
I hope they find out something, and that it's simple and benign, askye.
Somebody tell me four o'clock in the morning is not the time to make decisions about purchasing James Taylor albums.
Ahhh, James Taylor. Yeah, not helpful.
bonny's news is WONDERFUL.
askye, I am glad you went to the ER, and hope your doc finds out what's the what.
I am up at 6:30 (instead of STILL being up at 6:30 am, which, go, team therapy!) to watch my friend's girls while she goes to a half-day teacher conference, after which she is taking me to the rockin' pool by her house.
Since our AC is borked and will be for a good long while, and it was 98 degrees yesterday, I am down with this.
Oh man, this whole company-being-bought deal is such BULLSHIT.
We -- which means *ME* -- have to send the current issue to the printer. But I was told to wait on production because we (the company) want to run an editorial about the transition. But the editorial has the name of the buyer (who we -- the peons -- are still not allowed to know, although I know that at least half the fucking company already knows and is just being coy about it). The buyer wants the contracts to be signed and official before we run that editorial. But they won't sign the contracts until we send that issue out.
Incompetent!boss just got in my face about how I need to stay late and work on the weekend to "Get this transition done." And when I pointed out that I can't do it until we have the editorial, which we can't run until it's official, but it won't be official until the issue is sent to the printer, he just yelled at me AGAIN that I can expect to work late and over the weekend because we are contractually obligated to send the issue out.
OMG. That is just insane.
The only person who could pull that off is The Doctor with his timey wimey stuff, but even he might have issues with fixed points in time.
Ultrasound this morning. No blood clots. Like I'm sure everyone knew. Drink lots of water, diuretics, and elevation of feet is the treatment plan.
Evidently my body has adapted to Vermont and that adaptation includes my feet and calves swelling up like balloon in 88F heat.
The weather is supposed to cool off so maybe I'll start feeling normal.