Yikes, askye. I hope you get some reassurance soon.
Wow, Vortex. That's ... really something. Personally I might run the dishwasher but only because I am mortified of how I can let dishes pile up. I would strictly be worried about my image. Not enough to vacuum, but I'd run the dishwasher.
When my father was having his first heart attack he went to work. Went through a whole day of work. Multiple colleagues asked what was wrong and commented that he looked green. He went home, picked at his dinner, then announced that he was sleeping on the sofa because his 'restlessness' would prevent his wife from sleeping soundly. That's when she called for an ambulance, and he went into cardiac arrest while they were inserting an IV line en route to the ER. But then, my dad is kinda the opposite of a hyprochondriac and would never use the threat of a medical problem to manipulate his kids. The denial, it continues to be strong in him. Just call f*cking 911 people! That's why it exists.
IcompletelyON, my "homework" from PT this week includes "have sex." How often do you see that on an Rx pad? Rock on.
IcompletelyON, my "homework" from PT this week includes "have sex." How often do you see that on an Rx pad? Rock on.
Um. where does one pick up that perscription? I could use me some of that.
My mother's issue is that if you call an ambulance and it's not an emergency, the military won't pay for it.
In not so craxy news, I'm making a dessert to take to an outdoor concert on Friday. We'll have a table, so I don't need to worry about ease of eating. Should I make galettes (mini free form pies) or shortcakes? I was thinking strawberry, balsamic and basil and white peaches and blueberries for another option (one of the people going is allergic to strawberries). I can put the shortcakes in leftover Chinese soup containers and then people can assemble at the venue.
Thinking it *might* not be an emergency and thus might not be worth the cost is why I didn't realize I had a concussion for many, many days after a car accident. Not really an awesome plan. False alarms are bad. But so is ignoring something that might be serious.
When my uncle's lung kept collapsing they wouldn't call an ambulance because of money. He's still dealing with the problem all these months later, they keep trying different solutions but none are proving permanent.
I am very Stressy McCrankypants tonight. I don't know why.
I am, too. Although my etiology is much less mysterious. "Oh, you thought you could do laundry because there is a laundry room and our website said you could do laundry? Ha, no." "Shall I spend half an hour digging through plastic bags at midnight? Y/Y?" "How about some rowdy 14 year olds with your breakfast? Y/Y?" I am hoping that getting out of the city and a long bike ride will help. I think I will need some NSAIDs tonight, though.
Have you considered media-based self-medication? Liberal application of music, movie, and/or tv?