and then a bunch of bullshit about how brave I am and how well I do.That one always puzzles me too. And the "you are so lucky you only have x instead of y". How is it brave to just do what ya gotta do to make it in the world? and how is it lucky to have anything bad? I would say less bad luck, but not so far as to say good luck. People are weird. I suppose both of those are better than the scout master (not mine) on a Jamboree. Asked why I was on the crutches. When I said MD, his response was "oh, I guess that means you are going to die soon. Sorry to hear that" and went on his merry way. Um. No. There are 40 different types of MD, and not all are killers. And WTF are you saying that to a kid for?!?!
Able body people are weird.
omnis, my feeling with cars is usually, better the devil you know! If it isn't costing more in repairs than a car payment would, and it's not so unreliable you fear it stranding you, keeping the one you have is probably going to be financially better.
I didn't do the a/c repair, because it's CA, and I park in garages 95% of the time. So I ignored that one. Aside from this (costly) repair, usually, it's the typical $40-60 every 10,000 miles. Maybe upto $100. Nothing compared to a car payment. And yes, the financial decision is what I went with. Emotional almost won. And yesterday was a very pouting day. But eh. I'm (mostly) over it now. I love Midori (my cars name). She's done me well. And I expect she will for another few years.