Digits crossed in abundance for Sean and Strix, and I'm so happy your boy has landed on his feet, Laura!
Echoing this!
Happy belated birthdays, Cass and askye, and I hope you get tickets, sj!
I just spent fifteen minutes snarling and cursing and crawling around on the floor trying to untangle the cords behind my ridiculously heavy desk. Frustration is part of progress, someone remind me of that later when I start cleaning up my office.
Can I have some ticket~ma for tomorrow? TCG is taking the day off tomorrow so we can drive into Boston and try to get tickets for Gaiman's book signing. I'm worry they'll sell out early. They're only being sold in person.
Plan something else fun so it's not the only thing? Good luck!
Laura, that's awesome about your son! Fingers crossed it keeps working out for him and he gets his shit together.
I just bought almost a pound of cookies. But they all looked so delicious! I will not eat all of them tonight.
Yay sean!
Good luck stix
Fantastic news about your son,laura
As far as the 'not looking for serious thing'- just be honest. I've had a few friends lately that have heard the- I don't want to be serious speech - end up on the end of booty calls - and get rehurt. Sometimes just by someone asking.
Phew. I've survived the craxy from Friday forward.
So far, the off-his-nut fellow has sent a bunch of threatening emails, but not much more. Combining David's advice with a lawyer's thoughts, we have a good, rational, workable plan.
The Boston Terrier's people were so happy with his care that they didn't even ask why he was with me.
Cagney had some sort of spasm last night, which meant I did not sleep much at all.
He started barking, in his crate...which he'd never done before. I sort of freaked out, thinking there must be an intruder in the house.
It turns out, there was an intruder. A FLY!! ON THE CEILING.
I don't even know.
He actually twitched for three straight hours. It's like some bizarre OCD reaction. I really don't know what to do for him.
Anyway, I've 'meditated' with my drawing this evening and I feel much better. Hopefully I'll get a decent night's sleep now.
I'm really glad he has found something that fits so well.
Wow, that's amazing for him. I am glad he's found such a great fit in an unusual workplace.
Officially calling it time on my birthday. It was lovely but, across family, went on for three days. I think I am only birthday princess enough* for a day and maybe a half. At least this year. Probably focusing on my birthday on Sunday was a distraction for everyone missing Dad on Father's Day and that's totally okay but also kinda a lot of pressure at the same time. Though I have a bunch of chocolate cake which makes everything better. Or most things. It's a lot of cake.
*To be honest though, we got a different table for dinner on Saturday (because we went from a party of 8 to 6 and no one called ahead so totally understandable) and I did actually ask them to bring the little spiral and Happy Birthday confetti that they put down for birthdays. I asked really nicely and said I knew it was because we'd changed party size without notice. But I wanted it. That was an integral part of the experience. So, okay, a little birthday princess-y.
It turns out, there was an intruder. A FLY!! ON THE CEILING.
According to Puppycat, those are totally intruders.
It turns out, there was an intruder. A FLY!! ON THE CEILING.
According to Puppycat, those are totally intruders.
You'd have thought that fly was the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper.
Seriously, I don't know what I can do about the obsession with bugs, except keeping a tranq dart handy.
OK so I just used up my last trazadone. I was not taking them every day, so coming down off them is not a concern, but it was nice to have something in the house that would guarantee being asleep in 20 minutes. 100mg of diphenhydramine plus catnip and valerian root can most likely get me to sleep in an hour or so if I lie down and do progressive relaxation techniques. So that's better than nothing.
Yeah, I'm not going back to the doc who was managing my psychotropic meds/thyroid stuff. I'd have to explain too much.