It turns out, there was an intruder. A FLY!! ON THE CEILING.
According to Puppycat, those are totally intruders.
You'd have thought that fly was the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper.
Seriously, I don't know what I can do about the obsession with bugs, except keeping a tranq dart handy.
OK so I just used up my last trazadone. I was not taking them every day, so coming down off them is not a concern, but it was nice to have something in the house that would guarantee being asleep in 20 minutes. 100mg of diphenhydramine plus catnip and valerian root can most likely get me to sleep in an hour or so if I lie down and do progressive relaxation techniques. So that's better than nothing.
Yeah, I'm not going back to the doc who was managing my psychotropic meds/thyroid stuff. I'd have to explain too much.
I'm sorry sleep is such an issue, WS. My insomnia has pretty much been cured (after 50 years), but the cure is on the other end. I wake up ridiculously early, and don't get a moment's rest all day. After going from about 5:30am non-stop I try and read or watch tv at night and out cold. Last night I really wanted to finish 2 pages of the chapter and after a half dozen times dropping the Nook I gave up. No matter how early I wake though there is no going back to sleep.
You'd have thought that fly was the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper.
Zoe is this way too! What is even more hysterical is when she catches the fly. She reacts pretty much like I would if I got a fly in my mouth. Yuck, yuck, fly on my tongue! Get it off!
No Gaiman tickets for me. Sad now.
Bummer. I'm sorry. I'd love to see him too.
I can't convince TCG we should get tickets to one of the UK readings, something about not being able to afford it. . Sadly he really isn't doing many stops in the New England area.
FB people already know this, but
Arthur is in kidney failure. He isn't even 3 years old yet. We're waiting for the test results to see what we do next, but we're starting the fluids and the lower protein diet. At least, we're trying to -- Arthur was very uncooperative last night.
And I'm trying not to cry. Especially since I'm part of a big presentation in less than 2 hours.
Oh, Fred Pete. My dear, I am so sorry.