If you missed it yesterday like I did, President Obama's remarks on Trayvon Martin are really something special. [link]
I've already unfriended one twit on facebook over his "See, Obama is a racist and wants to oppress us poor, put-upon gunowning white men!" comments.
Aw yay for a pride service. And I'd want to go to Toronto too, their pride is awesome.
Our church has had a group in the Pride parade every year since the mid-90s. We have a pride service pretty often as well, but this year there's been an extra push from the wife of our new minister. At least 20 people have committed to marching, and more said they'd like to, but aren't sure. Since the entire congregation is only around 100, that's pretty good turnout!
Aside from the temperature, it's looking to be a great day so far. The papa alley cat is now waiting around for my approach (cat food in hand) in the mornings, my snapdragons are beginning to bloom, a sprig of basil I got from a co-worker has taken root, I found some tasty concord grapes for sale at the farmer's market, and Mom is going to take a break to come see
with me. (Our last mother-son movie was The Artist last February.)
If you have time, aurelia, and want to get together, let me know!
I will. I'm a little afraid that my father will have every day scheduled though.
Speaking of my father... It seems some ducks had a nest hidden near my parents house and the mama duck chose last weekend to march all the babies to the nearby lake. They had to cross a fairly busy street to get there so my dad went out and stopped traffic for them. How cute is that?
Make way for ducklings!
::paroxysms of childhood nostalgia::
FWIW, they do sell doggy (bitchy?) diapers just for that problem
Yeah, and some dogs (like the Diva) tear them right off.
Ok, I have screwed around on the internet for too long. Time to be productive.
I remember productivity! It's the opposite of pretty much what I do these days!
I have made two discoveries already today
First, even though I think it's really funny when Charlie decides he needs to lick Bubba's ears, it is less funny when he does it to me.
Also, I am tears running down my face levels of allergic to whatever kind of lilies they are selling at Costco right now.