but anyone not married to or birthed by me tries to cuddle and I'll smack them with a kayak paddle.
Right there with you. I can overcome my natural un-touchiness enough to hug friends, but cuddling is an activity strictly reserved for people with whom I intend to get up-close and naked.
The opening scene of This is the End has one of the funniest gluten-as-unhealthy conversations ever.
I'm ok with Internet free but not ebook free for the whole weekend! How would I carry enough?? Also don't need vegan. But I did spend about 18 hours with no Internet or cell last weekend on Saturday (hiking in the park) and survived. Though I hope nobody made any big announcements on Facebook. :)
I was internet free most of the weekend except for a 20 minute window when we went into town to get ice cream. It was nice and yet strange to just put my phone away and not have it on me all the time. Once I had service back I only checked my text messages before tucking it away again.
We were definitely not vegan or gluttan-free. I cuddled CJ for about 2 minutes. Oh, and I used my real name and age.
Tell me about your bathroom habits, people. And/or those of your colleagues.
I pay no attention to the bathroom habits of my colleagues, and I think that anyone taking note of things like that is a) super creepy, and b) clearly needs more work to do. Me? I'm on a diuretic and I drink A LOT of coffee, water, and tea, so I go to the bathroom frequently.
Right?? I feel like the person writing in must just be paranoid. UNLESS she is pooping every hour, and that is somehow apparent to the people who sit near the bathroom, in which case, I just feel bad for the writer, and the colleagues are terrible people.
I have no colleagues. But I feel like I have a bladder the size of a peanut, because sometimes I'm on a plane and have to go twice during a flight and the people seated next to me don't go at all! But that tends to be the only time I'd notice...
I have never noticed my co-workers' bathroom habits, which is something I hope to carry through any and all future jobs. (Unless I'm working at home with the pets; in that case, Kato makes sure I *always* know about his poops.)
I am a little afraid I go too much, mostly because for some reason there is a young man whose desk is pointed straight at the women's room. And sometimes I go just to have something to do because I can't sit still.
My desk used to face the men's room, and I sort of thought that he and I should trade.