Happy 4th! We rode our bikes to the parade, and as I expected it was all white people in the crowd, pretty much.
Also, apparently I'm out of the loop. I didn't realize that hte reason kids love parades is that every single person in the parade throws candy to the kids. It was like Halloween out there, except with more competition.
Lots of fabulous old cars, and three (!) separate bagpipe groups.
LeN, the store I buy from, Intimacy, measures without touching.
You probably have mentioned this store before. I actually don't mind being touched by strangers, IF (and only IF) they tell me what they are doing ahead of time. This surprise touching shit is a no go. I actually give a short, high pitched scream involuntarily - which usually surprises the other party enough that they get embarrassed.
I will look them up too. It is worth a trip if I can get a goddamn bra that fits and where my meat is not hanging out.
I didn't realize that hte reason kids love parades is that every single person in the parade throws candy to the kids
Also out of the loop. Wow.
Huh, there's an Intimacy here. I don't think there was one before.
When you have to stare intently at someone's chest to get the joke, it's not a good shirt.
I have shirts that seem to require some study (Namaste Motherfucker, Comma Chameleon...) but I just don't think the image fits well on the body with the Fantastic Roshambo shirt.
French 75 Popsicles for tonight in the freezer. But I didn't realize the Popsicle set I got only makes four. Four! So I have most of a pitchers worth of delicious cocktail, and several hours until people get here. Uh oh.
Are the ones you've been freezing now solid enough that you could empty them from the molds and start in on another four?
I have a t-shirt that has "WWF" on it with two large panda bears wrestling. I am positive that > 60% of the people who look at my shirt don't get it.
I have a t-shirt that has "WWF" on it with two large panda bears wrestling. I am positive that > 60% of the people who look at my shirt don't get it.
OTOH, I'm killing myself laughing over here.