We're supposed to get the first heat wave of the season this weekend. I'm picking up my CSA share tomorrow morning, so I'm going to be rolling in greens.
I've had a Netflix DVD for way too long. I need to watch it and send the sucker back, but every time I think about sitting down to watch Lincoln, my brain goes, "Two and a half hours? Ain't nobody got time for that."
That noise that Tina makes is so appropriate for so many situations! In my life anyway.
TRUTH. I'm pretty sure I do it when I'm stressed.
I think my favorite episode is Tina's birthday party. SO GOOD.
What's everybody doing this weekend?
This is WOO STEPH'S BIRTHDAY WEEKEND PARTY NOW! We're going to see Much Ado About Nothing tonight, and then tomorrow we're eating ALL THE SUSHI for dinner and then going to our favorite queer-friendly bar for what has turned into literally almost 35 people who decided they want to get their booze on with me, and Sunday (my actual birthday WOOHOO) we're having dinner at my mom's house.
A couple of weeks ago, we went to see a presentation by a 3D printing company -- they're sort of like etsy for 3D printing, seriously: [link] So I came home from work yesterday and there was a box on the porch addressed to Tim, with the return address of that company. I texted him and said "There's a package from Shapeways for you on the porch. What have you been doing?"
He texted back, "Shit. That wasn't supposed to get here so fast."
So then I asked "CAN I OPEN IT?!?"
He said no. So I gather my birthday present is some cool-ass 3D-printed something BUT I CAN'T OPEN IT UNTIL SUNDAY. I am horrible at delayed gratification. I'm like a 5-year-old.
I just realized the main reference librarian in SF is going to be out on vacation all next week, and now my stomach hurts.
I didn't mean to kill the thread.
I told my boss that we needed to talk about how we were going to handle Saturday volunteers, which we've been switching off and on with on a monthly basis. She practically barked that I'd just have permanently switch my work week to Tuesday through Saturday until and a new director was hired.
Um, no? (you won't be the boss of me then, so there!).
I like how bringing up a topic for discussion turned into irrefutable orders, and this from a lady who said she felt like we were partners.
Craaaazy, can't wait to see the backside of you!
Think about the trip you're planning instead, Lee!
I am sitting in our new apartment -- finally! -- amid a lot of boxes and unpacked stuff. But I am sitting in our new place, which is a huge yay.
Think about the trip you're planning instead, Lee!
Anyone want to go Galveston with me?
Sometime between September 7th and 13th. I am still working out the details.
I thought you were going to New Orleans?