I told my boss that we needed to talk about how we were going to handle Saturday volunteers, which we've been switching off and on with on a monthly basis. She practically barked that I'd just have permanently switch my work week to Tuesday through Saturday until and a new director was hired.
Um, no? (you won't be the boss of me then, so there!).
I like how bringing up a topic for discussion turned into irrefutable orders, and this from a lady who said she felt like we were partners.
Craaaazy, can't wait to see the backside of you!
Think about the trip you're planning instead, Lee!
I am sitting in our new apartment -- finally! -- amid a lot of boxes and unpacked stuff. But I am sitting in our new place, which is a huge yay.
Think about the trip you're planning instead, Lee!
Anyone want to go Galveston with me?
Sometime between September 7th and 13th. I am still working out the details.
I thought you were going to New Orleans?
Yay new place, Amy!
I almost didn't manage to eat a crapload of greens for dinner, but then I did! And went for a medium walk after work! Woot.
I thought you were going to New Orleans?
I am, but I may start in Galveston and drive to NO, or go to Atlanta, or something.
I have my vacation blocked off for that week, too.
Ha, ha! Paula Deen got fired.