Was it here that had the links to the Patriarchal couple where the husband admitted to being transgendered and his wife remained married to him even after he started openly declaring himself female?
If so, the blog No Longer Quivering has what I think is a multi-series post from someone I believe is the wife in that couple. Here is a link to the first post: [link]
No Longer Quivering is full of heart-breaking and wonderful stories of women--and men--who have been part of the Patriarchal movement and how they've coped and escaped.
Kathy A. posted a brief note on FB.
Still sick. Face still hurts. Want meds to kick in please.
Poor thing.
Jezebel had the trans quiver article--someone here linked to it. And in the Jez article was a link to the woman's posts.
Kathy A. posted a brief note on FB.
ChiKat posted that, I believe.
I don't think Kathy A. is on FB.
a 50s Alice in Wonderland, a Milne collection, [...] The Velveteen Rabbit, an Aesop's Fables from the 40s,[...], the Secret Garden
Alice In Wonderland? A Milne collection? Nice! Which, relatedly, Holli my darling, if you find any old editions of Dracula (pre 1960s), please let me know.
OK- Student C has now returned the costume to Students A & B, saying that he "found it" somewhere.
Now I am trying to decide whether to report this to the program director, since I happen to know he is getting a graduation prize and I am a little vindictive.
Sophia, I'd let it drop. You can't prove he took it. If he's getting a graduation prize, that means he's graduating and thus leaving and you won't have to deal with him anymore, right?
let it go Sophia, not worth it. Just give Student C the stink eye at all opportunities and/or possibly send him notes saying "I know what you did".
Today is being a giant pile of inefficiancies. I hates that. I want Ralph Stanley time. (note this does not bode well for me deciding to get rid of said puppy)