let it go Sophia, not worth it. Just give Student C the stink eye at all opportunities and/or possibly send him notes saying "I know what you did".
Today is being a giant pile of inefficiancies. I hates that. I want Ralph Stanley time. (note this does not bode well for me deciding to get rid of said puppy)
Maybe a not-so-muttered "If you weren't graduating and getting out of my hair . . ." in his and others presence would get across "I know what happened, and in other circumstances there'd be hell to pay."
It's a day I've put off for too long--I finally made the font size on my computer screen bigger. First I find myself muttering about the music "these kids" are listening too, now I'm having to make the words bigger so I can read them.
Can fogeyness be far away?
I hope Student C isn't leaving with more graduation "presents" like a picture off a wall or lab equipment.
Can we have more pictures of MR. Ralph Stanley?
I will let it go. But I don't wanna!
I will take more pictures tonight. why not.
if you don't want to let it go, you could be all passive aggressive nice threatening with the student in a private conversation.
"A person told me that you were thinking of taking the costume and I thought, since you were getting an award and so well thought of by the faculty here that you would never do such a thing. I am so glad you found the costume, right before I was going to call campus security and report the missing item to XXX. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors."
What le nubian said--I might even add in something about how much the costume is worth. Is there any option that he could BUY it, since you said it's not something they'd use much? "So glad you found it, I know you like that costume--if you're interested in purchasing it, we could probably let you have it for $400--unfortunately that's about how much it would cost to replace given the fabric and time involved" or something.