a 50s Alice in Wonderland, a Milne collection, [...] The Velveteen Rabbit, an Aesop's Fables from the 40s,[...], the Secret Garden
Alice In Wonderland? A Milne collection? Nice! Which, relatedly, Holli my darling, if you find any old editions of Dracula (pre 1960s), please let me know.
OK- Student C has now returned the costume to Students A & B, saying that he "found it" somewhere.
Now I am trying to decide whether to report this to the program director, since I happen to know he is getting a graduation prize and I am a little vindictive.
Sophia, I'd let it drop. You can't prove he took it. If he's getting a graduation prize, that means he's graduating and thus leaving and you won't have to deal with him anymore, right?
let it go Sophia, not worth it. Just give Student C the stink eye at all opportunities and/or possibly send him notes saying "I know what you did".
Today is being a giant pile of inefficiancies. I hates that. I want Ralph Stanley time. (note this does not bode well for me deciding to get rid of said puppy)
Maybe a not-so-muttered "If you weren't graduating and getting out of my hair . . ." in his and others presence would get across "I know what happened, and in other circumstances there'd be hell to pay."
It's a day I've put off for too long--I finally made the font size on my computer screen bigger. First I find myself muttering about the music "these kids" are listening too, now I'm having to make the words bigger so I can read them.
Can fogeyness be far away?
I hope Student C isn't leaving with more graduation "presents" like a picture off a wall or lab equipment.
Can we have more pictures of MR. Ralph Stanley?
I will let it go. But I don't wanna!
I will take more pictures tonight. why not.