We can't get people here to retire. The university tries to bribe you to retire. If you retire at 65, they will keep paying your salary for five more years, even though you are retired and have no reponsibilities.
Most faculty don't take the deal. They don't want to lose their lab or their influence or the next big thing they are thinking of working on.
At this rate, the univerisity is going to be a very old place.
Hi Holli! Glad you're having fun and it's good to see your pixels.
we have someone here in my School who I SWEAR is 80-85 years old. Still on the faculty. Still teaching. We could hire like 3 assistant professors for what he is getting paid.
Holli! I was just reading your
Brain Thief
again last night. I totally believe it's canon in my head.
We had quite a famous faculty member who worked every day until he was 86. However, at age 75 he went to the Dean and insisted that his salary be changed to $1 for every year he had been at the university, which was $45 at the time.
On the postive side, he was the only faculty member on campus guaranteed a raise ($1) every year.
Aw, thanks Liese! I had so much fun doing the worldbuilding for that story.
we have someone here in my School who I SWEAR is 80-85 years old. Still on the faculty. Still teaching
We had someone like that. He was officially an emeritus, but he kept coming to the chem labs to help out. And he was pretty helpful, actually. Then my lab partner set him on fire. (Just his sleeve, he wasn't hurt, but still.) The professor didn't come back the next year. I'm not sure if it was due to being set on fire or not. Although that would seem to be a compelling reason to retire.
Yay Holly and the fun vintage! Hope your store is ch-ching-ing like crazy!
I am so fed up with the people at my job. Do not like waking up to be blindsided by demands that I fly cross country three times in a week, and be prepared to do things properly for an observer twice during that time. Um, no. I wouldn't have time to print the presentations, much less LEARN them.
Also, Dear Person I Am Taking Over From: I know you're frazzled, and you think I'll be doing the stuff I'm taking over so you're double booking that with your own stuff, but some of the stuff you have double booked is ALL MINE. And I can no more be two places at once than you can. THANKS! Also, for the LOVE OF GOD quit booking things on Mondays and Fridays. I don't want to fly out Sunday or fly home Saturday. Fuck you very much.
I have over 30 years before retirement, especially since social security (and possibly more importantly, medicare) won't kick in until, what, 67 by the time I'm there? And forget about a 401K...
I’m Tom Scola, and I endorse this message.
I'm glad you endorse the pie constituency!
If you retire at 65, they will keep paying your salary for five more years, even though you are retired and have no reponsibilities.
I like that plan. How about even earlier? I'll take...um...35? Then I'd only have to work a few more months!
My mother (over 65) doesn't want to retire, partly because of money, but I think mostly because she doesn't think she'll have enough to do. Which I actually get.