The Ten Worst Predictions Of The 2012 Election | ThinkProgress
Love this:
4. Peggy Noonan: “There is no denying the Republicans have the passion now.” Noonan is one of the most respected political columnists in the country despite her penchant for deciding things based on her gut rather than actual data. But her Romney prediction wasn’t exactly well thought out even by her own standard. According to Noonan, “all the vibrations [were] right” for a Romney win because “something old was roaring back.” While this might be the right way to open an H.P. Lovecraft novel, it probably isn’t the best way to think about presidential elections.
According to Noonan, “all the vibrations [were] right” for a Romney win because “something old was roaring back.” While this might be the right way to open an H.P. Lovecraft novel, it probably isn’t the best way to think about presidential elections.
Oh, BWAH! Lovecraft. Hee.
Still chuckling....
Victor posted this on FB, and it is making me laugh FOREVER:
Political blog quote of the night goes to Ta-Nehisi Coates: "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their bloggers."
I am trying not to smile ridiculously, but I did go high five the other out and oroud liberal in my department. Good Times.
YAY CA!! Oh I hope this is a step out of your economic nightmare.
And YAY marriage equality.
So a really conservative relative has "May God have mercy on our country" on her facebook today.
I kind of want to say something but I'm not even sure I should try.
So because I love me some schadenfruede I turned on talk radio this morning. I have no idea where the big name folks are on the dial, but I came across a local show that was saying that the "voters that count. the ones who are the workers and who have families, those voters went for Romney. 18-29, those are kids...." It was the weirdest argument this lady was making. She doesn't value young adult and single women so their votes do not count?!? ANd is that break down even right? Did Romney really win the 30-50 vote nationwide?
Then I hit upon a religious show where the message was that the pro-life and conservative religious in AMerica just need to double down on firing up the base and educating believers. !!! so tone deaf.
OK, asking the hiveminfd because you are faster than Google: Did Minnesota NOT approve marriage equality? I thought they voted yes, or is it still being counted?
And does anyone have a link to voter turnout, especially by gender and ethnicity?
(I have given myself 20 more minutes on waking up and political follow-up before I get my ass to work.)