I am not sure they are all related:
I think the
Nolan stuff is related. It is not a coincidence he is being audited. I hope she is on the up and up because it would be too deja-vu for him to be seduced by another person who is out to get him. That said, I think the bar shit is just because someone wants that location for some reason. They have been trying to get that bar since his father was alive.
maybe Mom or Mom's boyfriend? Or the white haired man?
Also, who is the actor that
is trying to get the bar? He looks so familiar, but I can't place him.
That actor is Alison's dad on Teen Wolf.
sj - he
played the gf's dad on "Teen Wolf" in season
Good point
that the bar has been in jeopardy before now.
White-haired man is dead (and is also the mom's husband).
Third, why would you arrange this meeting - which was not pressing - like 2 days before you were going to get married? On what planet is that a good idea?
Yeah, that's ridiculous. Even if you just decided to get married last week, wouldn't "clear schedule" be one of the first to-do items?
I think that if you're somewhere where it's vaguely likely¹ an emergency might rob you of power, it never hurts to have a(n extra) car charger for your phone. It might be the only communication you got.
Even I have an emergency flash light/radio/charger that can run on batteries OR via crank. It's cool.
I thought he got away, and I forgot that he was also the mom's husband. I obviously am not paying enough attention this season.
Sophia, thank you! Why couldn't my brain place him?
I'm hoping that
Padme is just shocked that there's a Nolan-Clarke connection and she isn't part of the Initiative (whatever that turns out to be). I like her. Other Revenge trainee guy could have allies, too, for whatever his agenda is.
for what its worth,
the Sensei trainee who is "helping" Real Amanda is super duper hot. He has amazing chemistry with her.
Remember last week when I posted that Olivia, a mastiff that had been lost for nearly a year had been found? Since then things have taken a strange turn. Olivia was being fostered when she was lost by L., who intended to adopt her. The rescue wouldn't pay for the search, so L. spent most of her savings trying to find Olivia. Another rescue heard her pleas, and took over Olivia's wardship, and started to help pay for the search. After Olivia went to the vet, L. got an email message from someone at the rescue saying, thanks for all your help getting her back, but we're giving her to another foster home, and your services are no longer needed. L. was understandably upset, and has been talking with them ever since trying to get Olivia back. The rescue just sent out an email to those of us on the Find Olivia list that the dog isn't Olivia after all.
I don't even know. L. hasn't answered my texts. I have a suspicious nature.