I think that if you're somewhere where it's vaguely likely¹ an emergency might rob you of power, it never hurts to have a(n extra) car charger for your phone. It might be the only communication you got.
I think most of my family is on dwindling Blackberry batteries right now. I haven't checked what FEMA suggests in a while (I've got nothing but the phone charging...)
¹ That was our first direct hit since Gilbert, but still--likely enough
OMG, I had been doing pretty well considering the 7am meeting, but...whoa.
Don't people realise that when they come over to your desk to tell you they're on your con call and you're not, it means both of you are delayed in getting back on? Hmm. Judging practicality.
There's this chick on IO9 who really likes me.
That's all. She likes me. I always think it's weird when people do that.
So, I came to my office at 9am for a meeting with a prospective graduate student. Said meeting was arranged about 2 weeks ago.
At 9:40 I emailed the staff member who introduced me to the person that he did not show up. She responds to me and cc's him wondering if traffic held him up. And she confirmed the day and time I had was correct.
He replied to her (cc'ing me) at 10:50 saying "I'm so sorry I didn't have a chance to contact her - crazy morning. I'm getting married this weekend and running around. Can u please forward me her contact info so I can reschedule?"
In the grand scheme of things, this is just irritating, but I could be home in my sweat pants working.
Second, how could you not notice you cc'd me on the email message? Who did you think was in the recipient list?
Third, why would you arrange this meeting - which was not pressing - like 2 days before you were going to get married? On what planet is that a good idea?
From Sunday's Revenge
what was in the frame that Nolan's assistant was looking at?
Well, boys are sometimes dumb about weddings, but dude. Reschedule. Not the first impression you want to make on a potential advisor!!
ita, I like you. I suspect most buffistas do. Is that weird, or is it not weird because we know you?
I don't know! I thought it was a
childhood photo of Nolan with his parents.
le nubian
I thought I saw something with writing, but TV is too small. And I was watching on demand, which makes it difficult to pause. Google is giving me no love.
It was something David Clarke-related.
sj, I think it was a
check from David Clark from when he started the business.
-t, interesting. Do we think she is
working against Nolan and therefore the David Clark thing would be significant? Because it is certainly not new information to the viewer.
Gotta be, I would think. And I do not
think she is on the up and up. Nor is the fact that suddenly Nolan's being audited and someone is trying to snake the dumbasses out of their bar a coincidence.
*Someone* is on to Emily and her crew. I can't really figure out who though. Clearly not any of the Graysons.